Sony Issues Invites Hinting at 'Slimmest' Product Launch

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just a question:
I went on game store, to check what VITA games do they have
there are only a handful of games that I would play, and they are usually just the Vita version of PC/multiplatform games.
Back in the fall, Sony announced a new version of the PS Vita. This new, lightweight PSP charges via MicroUSB and is basically a revision of the PS Vita design.
Are you sure you didn't mean: "This new, lightweight Gameboy [...]" instead? 😉
just a question:Why?I went on game store, to check what VITA games do they havethere are only a handful of games that I would play, and they are usually just the Vita version of PC/multiplatform games.
Indeed the biggest problem with the Vita platform is the complete lack of decent games for the handheld... If you want a dedicated handheld gaming platform Nintendo is still the best bet. (Seems like its the only thing they can still do really well)
The Vita is semi relevant now since it works well with the PS4. Sony is also bringing Borderlands 2 to the vita and a few more AAA titles. If they want it to be successful they'll have to start spending money on advertising for the Vita like they did for the PS4 or this relaunch will be a failure.
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