Sony Pictures Entertainment is cracking down on Twitter.
Sony To Twitter: Remove Tweets With Leaked Emails Or Face Lawsuit : Read more
Sony To Twitter: Remove Tweets With Leaked Emails Or Face Lawsuit : Read more
Name one court case that they have to back them up? When it comes to freedom of the press, that right is pretty much sacrosanct, they can even post things that would have other people labeled traitors because of the freedom of the press.They are not bluffng, and they have plenty of legal precedent to back them up. They will sue everyone in sight to try to keep their private data private, and they have a heck of a lot more money than guys like Broeksmitt. He's an idiot and he's going to be steamrollered.
Not when you are talking about the press. They pretty much get a pass under those laws in the real world because they are doing their job as JOURNALISTS! Now, the actual people who hacked Sony... THEM you can go after but good fricking luck finding them.Some of you think this has to do with the First Amendment??? Possession and dissemination of STOLEN property is a Felony. There is ZERO "Public right to know" what is in someones PERSONAL email. There is ZERO "Public right to know" what's in Sony PRIVATE business plan. It doesn't matter how many "names" someone gets called, or if someone get's made fun of. Possession and dissemination of STOLEN property is a Felony - in EVERY state.