Sound Blaster Z Sound issues with Netflix


Jun 9, 2013
So i'm having a really weird issue with my sound card and Astro a50's when watching Netflix. I just got this card about two weeks ago. It sounds great for gaming and I haven't had many issues getting that all set up. BUT when I watch Netflix its really bad. The sound (in my a50's) bounces between ears, flickers off in each ear, drops a side completely, gets quiet, does this flicker back and forth thing between the ear pieces. Its REALLY annoying and strange. I double checked that it was the sound card by connecting directly to the motherboard and all those issues were gone.

What could it be? I even turned the sound card to headphone stereo instead of 5.1 to see if that was the issue. I alternated between the frequencies (24bit to 16bit and changed the hz in the sound settings) and no change. Unfortunately I lost the receipt at the moment and am screwed if this is a defective card. But if it is, its really weird that its only acting up via Netflix.

Also for reference I have it hooked up via s-pdif cable to my astro mix amp.

I also just did a fresh install of windows two days ago.

My computer specs are
GA-Z87x-D3H mobo
GTX 770
120 SSD for OS
760i corsair PSU.,
8GB of corsair vengeance ram

what do you guys think?

Hmm i have not tried that. I will check now though.


Ok just played different parts of Batman TDK and I heard the same problems. At one point all the sound turned into a quiet muffle. I was using VLC to play the movie.

I played it again hooked up to my mobo and it did not have the issue.


how would I go about doing that? Dont Netflix codec their own videos?

im not sure what that would accomplish as that is what I have hooked up for sound for my Astros.