sound driver enabled but not started



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okay I'm getting this message when I click properties for
my sound card. This happened after I upgraded to from XP
to SP2. The driver is the correct driver and everything
in the Device Manager looks fine. Now if I go into
Control Panel, Sound and Audio Devices it says "No Audio
Device", everything in the tabs is greyed out. But the
the Device Manager, I see that the driver is there.
Please dont tell me that I dont have the right drivers
because I have the latest WDM drives for the sound cards I
tried. My guess is its a registry or driver problem that
got corrupted in the upgrade. A lot of people have been
having this problem, as I have been searching over the

I know this is an XP problem because I did it with 3
different sound cards and they all had the same problem.
For some reason "the drivers are enabled not started". I
have an Aureal Vortex 8830 in there now, previous to that
I tried putting Creative Labs Sound Blaster PCI 128 and
ESS sound card too. This is a problem known throughout
the internet. Somebody help me. Reply to me here or
email. Thanks.
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Raul Rey Aso wrote:
> *okay I'm getting this message when I click properties for
> my sound card. This happened after I upgraded to from XP
> to SP2. The driver is the correct driver and everything
> in the Device Manager looks fine. Now if I go into
> Control Panel, Sound and Audio Devices it says "No Audio
> Device", everything in the tabs is greyed out. But the
> the Device Manager, I see that the driver is there.
> Please dont tell me that I dont have the right drivers
> because I have the latest WDM drives for the sound cards I
> tried. My guess is its a registry or driver problem that
> got corrupted in the upgrade. A lot of people have been
> having this problem, as I have been searching over the
> internet.
> I know this is an XP problem because I did it with 3
> different sound cards and they all had the same problem.
> For some reason "the drivers are enabled not started". I
> have an Aureal Vortex 8830 in there now, previous to that
> I tried putting Creative Labs Sound Blaster PCI 128 and
> ESS sound card too. This is a problem known throughout
> the internet. Somebody help me. Reply to me here or
> email. Thanks. *

I had a similar sounding problem on my Windows 2000 box. My guess is
that the same problem exists in Windows XP. My sound card stopped
working. The Device Manager showed the status: "Driver is enabled but
has not been started". Uninstalling and re-installing the driver mad
no difference. There were not IRQ conflicts. I found a program that
worked directly with the sound card hardware and the sound card was
working, but nothing that used the sound card drivers worked. I tried
all of the possible solutions posted on the internet at this time and
none of them worked. Of course, re-installing the OS was a solution
that I'm sure would work, but it was too drastic of a solution for me
to want to implement.

Here's the solution that worked for me:

I went into the boot.ini file and add the /BOOTLOG option. After
rebooting I looked and the NTBTLOG.txt file and saw the following:

Did not load driver Audio Codecs
Did not load driver Legacy Audio Drivers
Did not load driver Media Control Devices
Did not load driver Legacy Video Capture Devices
Did not load driver Video Codecs
Did not load driver Creative SB Live! Basic (WDM)
Did not load driver Creative Game Port

That gave me the clue that the problem really is that my sound drivers
really weren't loading even though the driver status "Driver is enabled
but not started" gives you the impression that they did load. A more
percise message might have been "The device has a driver associated
with it, but the driver did not load".

NOTE: If you are not getting the same results from this first test then
the solution that follows is probably not going to work for you.

I then went back into boot.ini and removed the /fastdetect option. I
left the /bootlog option still inplace. After rebooting I once again
looked at the NTBTLOG.txt file and noticed that the drivers that use to
not load, were now loading again. I think the sound card was still not
working at this time. (I really didn't check)

I then uninstalled the sound card drivers and rebooted. The driver
automatically re-installed. I went into the Device Manager and low and
behold my sound card was no longer saying "Driver is enabled but has not
been started" but rather "driver is enabled and functioning properly".
I tried my sound card and it was once again working.

My speculation is that the /fastdetect boot option leaves the system in
some kind of state which is not repaired by a driver uninstall and
re-install. Who would have thunk it! I certainly don't know how my
system got into that state in the first place. It took a long time to
come up with this solution. Hope this is the solution your looking
for! From my research on the internet, I'm under the impression that
many people are experiencing this same problem.

T Rut
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Ok here, goes nothing, I’ve been at this for what feels like day and
have had not luck resolving it so…if you could help!

System Info

Win XP Pro Sp2 (Version: 2002)
256 Ram
900 Mhz Duron Processor
Creative 4.1 Digital Sound Card (Model CT4750)


I’ve got no sound, ever since installing this WinXP Sp2 over WinXP Sp1
AND THEN using Microsoft Update to update the driver.

The strange thing is that the sound as far as Windows is concerned the
soundcard is installed – device manager says it is enabled and

See Attachment "illlustrations.jpg" "device ok"

But…if I go into Properties, and select the properties for the devices
shown…it tells me that the driver is enabled but not started.
See Attachment "illlustrations.jpg" "driver not started"

I have…

• (re)Installed the correct drivers (indeed the ones I got off update
are correct anyway)


• Tried out the solution post here:

It didn’t work, but then neither did I get the same message regarding
which drivers were not working, when I looked at my boot log the
following drivers had not loaded:

Did not load driver \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\NDProxy.SYS
Did not load driver \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\lbrtfdc.SYS
Did not load driver \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\Sfloppy.SYS
Did not load driver \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\i2omgmt.SYS
Did not load driver \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\Changer.SYS
Did not load driver \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\Cdaudio.SYS
Did not load driver \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\PCIDump.SYS
Did not load driver \SystemRoot\system32\drivers\wdmaud.sys
Did not load driver \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\rdbss.sys
Did not load driver \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\mrxsmb.sys
Did not load driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\ipnat.sys

None of these are the drivers listed under the driver details page:

See Attachment "illustrations.jpg" "driver details"

As the following excerpts form DX Diagnostics show, the computer is
able to recognise the Game controller on my sound card, but not any
audio elements:

Sound Devices
Default Sound Playback: No
Default Voice Playback: No
Hardware ID:
Manufacturer ID:
Product ID:
Driver Name:
Driver Version:
Driver Attributes:
WHQL Logo'd:
Date and Size:
Other Files:
Driver Provider:
HW Accel Level: Emulation Only
Cap Flags: 0x0
Min/Max Sample Rate: 0, 0
Static/Strm HW Mix Bufs: 0, 0
Static/Strm HW 3D Bufs: 0, 0
HW Memory: 0
Voice Management: No
EAX(tm) 2.0 Listen/Src: No, No
I3DL2(tm) Listen/Src: No, No
Sensaura(tm) ZoomFX(tm): No
Registry: OK
Sound Test Result: Not run

Sound Capture Devices
DLS Version: 1.00.0016.0002
Acceleration: n/a
Ports: Microsoft Synthesizer, Software (Not Kernel Mode), Output, DLS,
Internal, Default Port
Registry: OK
Test Result: Not run

Gameport Devices
+ PCI bus
| Matching Device ID: *pnp0a03
| Service: pci
| Driver: pci.sys, 8/4/2004 02:07:00, 68224 bytes
+-+ Standard Game Port
| | Matching Device ID: *pnpb02f
| | Service: gameenum
| | Driver: gameenum.sys, 8/4/2004 02:07:00, 10624 bytes
+ Creative AudioPCI (ES1371,ES1373) (WDM)
| Location: PCI bus 0, device 9, function 0
| Matching Device ID: pci\ven_1274&dev_5880
| Service: es1371
| Driver: ksuser.dll, 8/4/2004 00:56:44, 4096 bytes
| Driver:, 8/4/2004 00:56:58, 130048 bytes
| Driver: ks.sys, 8/3/2004 23:15:22, 140928 bytes
| Driver: drmk.sys, 8/3/2004 23:08:00, 60288 bytes
| Driver: portcls.sys, 8/3/2004 23:15:50, 145792 bytes
| Driver: stream.sys, 8/3/2004 23:08:04, 48640 bytes
| Driver: wdmaud.drv, 8/4/2004 00:56:58, 23552 bytes
| Driver: es1371mp.sys, 6/3/2002 11:18:32, 40832 bytes
+-+ Game Port for Creative
| | Matching Device ID: *ctl7001
| | Service: gameenum
| | Driver: gameenum.sys, 8/4/2004 02:07:00, 10624 bytes

Any thoughts?

Any more info needed?

Cheers in advance guys!

| Attachment filename: illustrations.jpg |
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