Question Sound problem on Windows 10


May 31, 2020
Hello community,

Recently I built new PC, installed win10, everything was okay but the sound is kinda quieter than before( i was on win 7). I didn't remove the old pc, got in and test over there the sound and its more louder than this current one. Checked the settings, nothing special(had installed VIA audio drivers and did this to the new one too but w/o results). Everything is on 100, Spatial Sound is Off.

The headphones are HyperX Cloud Stinger, they're working perfectly, no issue on the old pc, just the volume is quieter than before.

Screenshot 1 from Sound
Screenshot 2 from Sound

On my old PC i didnt have this Headphones in Sound and i do not really know why it says Not plugged in since they are (in the back). The motherboard is ASRock Steel Legend B450

Edit: More screenshots from Sound

Screenshot 3
Screenshot 4
Screenshot 5
What is the version of windows 10 that you are using? Are you using a graphics card and is your display connected to the discrete graphics?

Im using Windows 10 Pro ( also activated ). When i was building my pc, i ordered it from my local, also requested to be assembled by them because i do not really understand about the assembling. Im having installed amd radeon software.
Old motherboard: ASUS M4A785TD-V EVO
New: ASRock Steel Legend B450

Both i'm connecting in the back( the rear ports ).

Also right now i tried to enable Loudness Equaliziation, for 1 second it's getting louder sound and after that it's getting low again as before. Also I can feel the bad quality of the sound with Loudness Equalization enabled. If I keep it enabled, i can hear how the sound is being changed ( to low to high and reverse ).

All cables are plugged in motherboard
Go to device manager. Uninstall audio drivers. Restart your PC. Then open device manager again, try to update the device audio driver via the green update box. I have put in a link for your ease audio

Did it, uninstalled, restarted pc, went to the audio drivers, but it says windows ........ best drivers etc., the sound is the same. I know that because of the max volume, on 100 everything and im hearing the more bass than before, i do not know what is preventing the sound to be at max.

Screenshot from Sound, same as before, it displays Headphones not plugged in

After doing the steps by babi1987 nothing changed, but I switched off the headphones from the rear ports and putted them in the front ones and in Sound tab I got Speakers not plugged in, but Headphones pluggedin, made the sound at 100 instead of 67( by default, before was 100 but not loud as now ), and now everything is okay, louder than before.
Good to know that

Yeah! :) Just im wondering why while im playing games, no matter which ones, im hearing my friends little bit quiet than if im not in games, what causing it? Should I go to Sound->Communications and make some changes over there? Because i marked in as - Do nothing or is hould be 50 or 80%?