Sp AI Disabled



Archived from groups: alt.games.half-life (More info?)

When loading a saved game on some of the User created sp maps, AI Disabled
comes up on the screen. When this happens all of the characters in the game
just stand around doing nothing. Is there a quick cure for this?

Archived from groups: alt.games.half-life (More info?)

> Is it just me or should that command REALLY
> have been renamed to "ai_enabled" ?
> Seems more logical that way

Nahh disable equals false
Seems to be ok 🙂
Archived from groups: alt.games.half-life (More info?)

Mox 13 wrote:
> When loading a saved game on some of the User created sp maps, AI Disabled
> comes up on the screen. When this happens all of the characters in the game
> just stand around doing nothing. Is there a quick cure for this?
> Mox

Yeah... Swallow steam and buy legal HL2!
(Or, if you actually HAVE a legal HL2 you can pop theconsole and write
"ai_disable 0" and hit enter)

Is it just me or should that command REALLY have been renamed to
"ai_enabled" ? Seems more logical that way

(On a side note i also play a pirated version of HL2 to get rid of
steam, but believe me when i say i own the legal version as well,
Valve actually deserved my 50 dollars despite the Steam-business)
Archived from groups: alt.games.half-life (More info?)

> don't play pirated games. If I don't have the money I just
> wait 6 months and get it when it hits half price.<s>

Likewise (or I borrow it at the library or rent it at blockbuser to
check it out)

The AI being disabled is a known problem with the pirated version

Archived from groups: alt.games.half-life (More info?)

"Dukeman" <dukeman@msn.com> wrote in message
> Mox 13 wrote:
>> When loading a saved game on some of the User created sp maps, AI
>> Disabled comes up on the screen. When this happens all of the characters
>> in the game just stand around doing nothing. Is there a quick cure for
>> this?
>> Mox

Thanks for the answer Dukeman.

> Yeah... Swallow steam and buy legal HL2!
> (Or, if you actually HAVE a legal HL2 you can pop theconsole and write
> "ai_disable 0" and hit enter)

My copy of HL2 is legal and runs through Steam. I don't know what gave you
that impression, but some of the User made maps are a little funky. Some of
them are a lot funky.

> Is it just me or should that command REALLY have been renamed to
> "ai_enabled" ? Seems more logical that way

Actually I dabbeld in logic a bit and tried that suggestion and a few others
that did not work before posting the question.

"If the world were a logical place, men would ride side saddle." - Rita Mae

> (On a side note i also play a pirated version of HL2 to get rid of steam,
> but believe me when i say i own the legal version as well,
> Valve actually deserved my 50 dollars despite the Steam-business)

I don't play pirated games. If I don't have the money I just wait 6 months
and get it when it hits half price.<s>
