I've put together a spare system from old parts I had lying around and bits i've gotten cheap off ebay etc..
It consists off:
Intel P4 2.8ghz (socket 775 processor model 511)
Gigabyte 965p-ds3
MSI 8500GT
3gb mixed DDR2 800 ram (2x1gb (1gb samsung/1gb hynix) + 2x512mb (both corsair)
10gb Seagate IDE Drive
Normal DVD Writer + Floppy
It's all housed in a modded XClio A380 Super tower and the cpu is being cooled via a corsair nautilus 500 external water cooler.
The PC cost next to nothing to build and serves no real purpose, after an XP Pro install it only has 2gb free of HDD, so not much cop... the only thing I mainly use this for is for testing dodgy applications, etc...
I want to try and max out this system and see where we can go bascially.
I currently have the cpu at 4.20ghz (200x21) which brings my memory to its DDR2 800 setting, however I have the CPU at 1.5v, which is a fair bit over the 1.4v stated as the max by intel, howevr with this cooling unit the CPU never, ever, even stuck under a desk in a warm room exceeds 50degrees, and that is when the room is BAKING... were normally talking under 40degrees even while stressing, and idle at 25-30
Since I jumped on the intel band wagon aroun the pentium D stage I never really played with P4's much so I'm not sure of there O/C ability...
Can someone advise me as to how far they think I can push this chip? and also does anyone have any experience with P4 O'Cing?
cheers in advance!
I've put together a spare system from old parts I had lying around and bits i've gotten cheap off ebay etc..
It consists off:
Intel P4 2.8ghz (socket 775 processor model 511)
Gigabyte 965p-ds3
MSI 8500GT
3gb mixed DDR2 800 ram (2x1gb (1gb samsung/1gb hynix) + 2x512mb (both corsair)
10gb Seagate IDE Drive
Normal DVD Writer + Floppy
It's all housed in a modded XClio A380 Super tower and the cpu is being cooled via a corsair nautilus 500 external water cooler.
The PC cost next to nothing to build and serves no real purpose, after an XP Pro install it only has 2gb free of HDD, so not much cop... the only thing I mainly use this for is for testing dodgy applications, etc...
I want to try and max out this system and see where we can go bascially.
I currently have the cpu at 4.20ghz (200x21) which brings my memory to its DDR2 800 setting, however I have the CPU at 1.5v, which is a fair bit over the 1.4v stated as the max by intel, howevr with this cooling unit the CPU never, ever, even stuck under a desk in a warm room exceeds 50degrees, and that is when the room is BAKING... were normally talking under 40degrees even while stressing, and idle at 25-30
Since I jumped on the intel band wagon aroun the pentium D stage I never really played with P4's much so I'm not sure of there O/C ability...
Can someone advise me as to how far they think I can push this chip? and also does anyone have any experience with P4 O'Cing?
cheers in advance!