B bioax Commendable Nov 30, 2019 268 42 1,790 Dec 19, 2019 #1 So i was wondering if the speaker that is used for the post sound will be included with the motherboard. If not, where will it he included. I have a gigabyte b450m ds3h.
So i was wondering if the speaker that is used for the post sound will be included with the motherboard. If not, where will it he included. I have a gigabyte b450m ds3h.
DMAN999 Dignified Ambassador Apr 17, 2019 3,279 1,000 16,940 Dec 19, 2019 #2 Most MB's do Not come with a speaker anymore. You can get one for under $5 online: https://www.amazon.com/Corporate-Co...ds=pc+mainboard+speaker&qid=1576764289&sr=8-5 Upvote 0 Downvote
Most MB's do Not come with a speaker anymore. You can get one for under $5 online: https://www.amazon.com/Corporate-Co...ds=pc+mainboard+speaker&qid=1576764289&sr=8-5