SpeedStep vs Turbo Mode vs C-STATE vs C1E

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I am seeking an answer with no Overclocking in mind.

Enhanced Intel SpeedStep® Technology http://www.intel.com/cd/channel/reseller/asmo-na/eng/203838.htm/

Intel® Turbo Boost Technology http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/architecture-and-technology/turbo-boost/turbo-boost-technology.html

C-state architecture http://www.intel.com/technology/itj/2006/volume10issue02/art03_power_and_thermal_management/p03_power_management.htm

How SpeedStep and Turbo Mode works in relation to C1E and C-STATE? What should be enabled and what should not, and why?


What this is saying is that the actice cores go to an even higher speed because there are inactive cores. If you understand how turbo works; it is dependent on how many cores are being used. For a i7-2600k the highest turbo is 3.8ghz with 1 core, 3.7 for 2 cores, 3.6 for 3 cores and 3.5 for 1 core. C-states does not affect turbo, rather the cores can be in an idle state while the others are in c0 state (full speed state). This is what I meant in pdfs confusing people; being confused by the terminology in the pdf as most people are not technically knowledgeable to understand what is being said.