Speedtest fast, browsing fast, downloading SLOW


Apr 2, 2017
Just conducted the Ookla Speedtest: 9.20 down, 4.70 up. Browsing is fast, watching videos etc is fast, but downloading anything is super slow.

I've seen some other people post similar problems, and getting told that it must be the website they are downloading from. This cannot be the case for me: I have tried downloading multiple different things from different websites (that I know should never be running this slow) to know effect.

For example, I am currently trying to download a 73MB Steam update, at about 80kbps. What could be causing this???
Is this the problem from the start or recently started after some heavy download? Some ISPs have a criteria of bandwidth threshold and if a user crosses that limit ISPs start throttling their downloading speed to maintain their service. They do so without informing the user or stating clearly in their terms of service. I think you should contact your internet service provider and ask them if they are throttling your internet speed.

Those numbers are what your internet is "Capable" of doing, not what you will get 24/7. There could be a number a variables slowing down your speed, from number of connections on that internet, to your drivers, to your modem, to your router, etc....

Only with my girlfriend - and we tried taking her stuff offline to see if it made a difference. In any case, she doesn't use it heavily at all, just emailing and the occasional stream.

Don't think sharing is a problem - only other person on this connection is my girlfriend, and she's definitely a light user. In any case, we tested without her doing anything online.

Weirdest part of this is, if I download something through a third party application (ie Steam) I get 2-3MB per second, about what you would expect on my 25Mbps connection. But whenever I try to download something myself (and I've tried multiple browsers) I get speeds of 20 - 50Kbps.
Is this the problem from the start or recently started after some heavy download? Some ISPs have a criteria of bandwidth threshold and if a user crosses that limit ISPs start throttling their downloading speed to maintain their service. They do so without informing the user or stating clearly in their terms of service. I think you should contact your internet service provider and ask them if they are throttling your internet speed.
Ookla Speedtest shows current speed, not what he could possibly get...

I have faster internet and still get slow downloads from some sites, the source of the upload needs to be fast as well so often it depends on their end as well. Are the web sites in your country or overseas as international traffic can be cause as well.

Steam games might be hosted by your isp as well meaning they will be faster anyway and if you lucky not included in any caps you may have.. Steam client may not be hosted by them though.