Spilled apple juice. Need help. Heres the story.

Feb 7, 2019
Hello, so here's the story. I was playint a game and accidently spilled liquid in my open-top desktop computer. My screen looked like it had decolorant drops on it, and my computer froze. The worst part? I hadn't noticed i dropped my drink, so after force closing my computer, i tried reopening it. It gave me a black screen within seconds and then nothing. That's when i noticed the spill atop of my tower and immediatly shut down the computer, unplugged it, turned it upside down and left it there. I believe my step father used "special product" ( dunno what it is, but hes an electrician, and programmer ) fast forward a day later, the MB green LED is on ahen i plug my computer in, theres a flashing light at the back of the MB near the video card, but when i press the power button... nothing. No sound, no attempts to power on, just nothing.
He probably used an electronics cleaner, which will clean the juice off the components however it will not resolve the components that shorted out as a result of the spill while it was powered on. Have been in this situation in the past, the only thing you can do is individually test each component by swapping out with a known good system.

If you are lucky only the motherboard is bad and the other components are good, chalk it up to a hard lesson learned and once you get the system fixed up position the box away from the immediate work area to prevent this happening in the future.
As far as i know, the only thing that came in contact with the juice was the video card. The flask on top of my casing was directly above it, and it was the only part i could feel by hand that got wet. Would the video card being broken really prevent my entire system from opening?