Sporadic and random BSODs - No data stored


Jan 24, 2014
Hi all,

I've built a system a while back and it's mostly been fine but it's now giving me BSODs randomly.

To preface a bit I'm fairly good with computers but by no means a complete expert, this thing does seem like something I may be able to solve totally off my own back but it's really odd and I'm not sure quite where to approach it from though so any advice is appreciated. I've let the issue run on a bit as it's a case where the annoyance it causes is fairly minimal and the BSODs have never occurred at a terrible time so I've always thought "Oh I'll just fix it later"...

Anyway, on to the problem...

Essentially the system will randomly and sporadically BSOD with various error messages (the latest was 0x7A - Kernal Data Inpage Error, ntfs.sys is another I've had). These BSODs don't seem connected in any way to what I'm doing on my computer and will occur totally random, sometimes going days without, they'll also occasionally give a few tale tale signs when they're about to occur (slowly things lock up - Alt Tab, Ctrl Alt Del, Ctrl Shift Esc etc - until the crash).

When the system does BSOD it will not reset though, it will just stay, frozen on the BSOD screen until I turn off / restart. Occasionally rather than BSOD the screen will just lock up / distort freeze and stay that way.

When I've gone to look for crash logs in the usual location though they don't seem to exist. I've downloaded bluescreen view but it can't find any logs anywhere either.

I think it's something with my SSD, second guess would be memory but the Windows 7 memory checker isn't reporting any problems. chkdsk /r on the boot drive doesn't return any problems either.

I've got a boot SSD, storage drive - would it be the storage drive playing up at all ???

I literally don't know any more, it's so odd. I can fix most things but this has left me totally stumped.

Any advice / suggestions very much appreicated!


Jan 24, 2014
Nothing's overclocked. Will post / check temps and edit it in to this post (am on the laptop ATM).

Got another stick of RAM in the mail regardless so I'll use that to help check it all out, is it worth giving memtest a shot on it all even though the built in Windows tester is giving the all clear?
as far as your OS is concerned the drive that had your windows OS has been unplugged.
Windows will struggle for as long as it can until a critical process requires data from the hard drive fails
with a inpage error.

work around is to enable hot swap on the port that the drive is connected to. This will ensure that the drive will reconnect after it gets disconnected for some reason.

then you can work on the reason that the drive got disconnected.

Note: generally this is a problem with firmware on the SSD. The firmware take too long to respond to a write request
because it is busy moving a memory block or doing its trim or garbage collection. if it take more than 30 seconds windows will reset the connection. If windows resets a connection on a drive that is not hot swap enabled it does not automatically reconnect. In the end, things start to not work, then a critical process fails, you get a blue screen but it can not write the log to disk and keeps trying until it times out. ( I have no idea what the time out period would be)

enable hotswap if you can, then update your chipset drivers, check your cable, move to a another SATA port or chip
update firmware on SSD. Note: BOOT into BIOS and leave your system powered on for a few hours to let your SSD
do its garbage collection before you try to update the firmware or the firmware update may brick your drive. Also check and make sure you have plenty of free space on the drive


Jan 24, 2014
Sorry for the delay, busy day yesterday...


Here's the temps - http://i.imgur.com/hXwYWiv.jpg - (High's from stress test) - phone pic as computer decided to give me a BSOD during this - 0x00000F4
And the memtest screen - http://i.imgur.com/yuXToPw.jpg

memtest86+ 5.01 pass 1 completed fine with no errors, I'll let it run and do a few more passes.

Spare memory stick didn't arrive yesterday so it should be here tomorrow.

Thanks for the reply John I'll get on that now.

EDIT: BIOS updated to latest non beta version and I think I've now enabled hot swapping

EDIT2: Well, nothing's gone wrong yet... I can update the SSD firmware from 2.06 -> 2.25 is this going to blast all the data on the drive? Assuming yes.

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