Chris_31 :
Actually T-Mobile also offers a completely unlimited plan for $80, and they had an unlimited family plan 2 lines for $100 completely unlimited. T-Mobile also includes 7.5GB of wifi tethering included with their plans unlike any other carrier. Might want to revise your post there buddy.
I would gladly revise and update the post, except that I never stated that Sprint was the
only carrier with unlimited data plans. I very specifically wrote "...
one of the only wireless companies..." and "...a service that
few carriers still offer." Sprint's direct quote from the press release that I used for the article even acknowledged competition, with the company doing the marketing for me by boasting that it is more affordable than other brand's unlimited rates.
I appreciate your feedback, and perhaps a direct comparison of T-Mobile against Sprint would have emphasized a deeper value offered by the limited-time rates, and even the value of the regular price after the deal expires. However, I'm not a cheerleader for Sprint, and I don't hold some irrational hatred for T-Mobile, and the "just the facts" version of what the company is offering says enough to the point such a comparison would make, without the need to do a direct comparison.
We usually save epic value showdowns of this nature for reviews with a much larger format to give these battles enough page to keep it on topic with a thorough analysis. If you'd like to read about one of our upcoming reviews like that,
check out our ISP Review launch post, and check back later when we publish the results of our reader poll. Maybe we will even do a wireless provider deathmatch of some sort in the future.
Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed the article, buddy.
-Derek Forrest