Sprint throws money away.

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".com" <wimax0007@aol.com> wrote in message
> Sprint has paid big bucks for the naming rights for a Arena Kansas City is
> building.
> Minor issue, no teams there to play. No NBA basketball, no NHL Hockey
> http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/040803/nytu225_1.html

Would that be like the Cingular and Verizon Arenas spread across the US in
minor cities that have no teams? ANd why does Sprint doing it make it a bad
thing, when the others have done it for a lot longer, and in much smaller
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Scott Stephenson <scott.stephensonson@adelphia.net> wrote:

> Would that be like the Cingular and Verizon Arenas spread across the US in
> minor cities that have no teams? ANd why does Sprint doing it make it a bad
> thing, when the others have done it for a lot longer, and in much smaller
> cities?

Well, I can ask my uncle in Overland Park, KS if any of Kansas City's
professional sports teams are moving there. AFAIK they don't have an NBA
team, but they do have an NFL team and an American League ballclub, and
naming rights are often bought before a team moves into the park.

JustThe.net Internet & New Media Services, http://JustThe.net/
Steven J. Sobol, Geek In Charge / 888.480.4NET (4638) / sjsobol@JustThe.net
PGP Key available from your friendly local key server (0xE3AE35ED)
Apple Valley, California Nothing scares me anymore. I have three kids.
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..com <wimax0007@aol.com> wrote:
> Sprint has paid big bucks for the naming rights for a Arena Kansas City is
> building.
> Minor issue, no teams there to play. No NBA basketball, no NHL Hockey team.
> http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/040803/nytu225_1.html

Phillip .... ALWAYS so negative. You know absolutely NOTHING about the
market research that went into that investment or the expected outcome,
so how can you pass any judgement on this what-so-ever? If you were a
resident of Kansas City, you might be able to make an educated guess as
to the outcome, but for somebody living in lonely Texas, you are not
even qualified for an educated guess.

- --

Thomas T. Veldhouse
Key Fingerprint: 2DB9 813F F510 82C2 E1AE 34D0 D69D 1EDC D5EC AED1

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>Sprint has paid big bucks for the naming rights for a Arena Kansas City is

And why is it that you care one way or the other?

John S.
e-mail responses to - john at kiana dot net
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>Well, I can ask my uncle in Overland Park, KS if any of Kansas City's
>professional sports teams are moving there.

Is the arena being built in Overland Park or Kansas City like the original
poster said?

John S.
e-mail responses to - john at kiana dot net
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John S. <sexyexotiche@aol.comspamfree> wrote:
>>Well, I can ask my uncle in Overland Park, KS if any of Kansas City's
>>professional sports teams are moving there.
> Is the arena being built in Overland Park or Kansas City like the original
> poster said?

Doesn't really matter. Overland Park is a KC suburb. My point was that my
uncle who lives in the KC metro area would probably know more about what's
going on.

JustThe.net Internet & New Media Services, http://JustThe.net/
Steven J. Sobol, Geek In Charge / 888.480.4NET (4638) / sjsobol@JustThe.net
PGP Key available from your friendly local key server (0xE3AE35ED)
Apple Valley, California Nothing scares me anymore. I have three kids.
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From a perspective of who will pay for it - it does matter. From a
perspective of who voted for it, it does matter. The proposed locale
is just south of downtown kcmo.

Would be interesting to see how the economists justifed it...at least
it gives the locals something new to bitch about.

On Wed, 04 Aug 2004 11:13:31 -0500, Steven J Sobol
<sjsobol@JustThe.net> wrote:

>John S. <sexyexotiche@aol.comspamfree> wrote:
>>>Well, I can ask my uncle in Overland Park, KS if any of Kansas City's
>>>professional sports teams are moving there.
>> Is the arena being built in Overland Park or Kansas City like the original
>> poster said?
>Doesn't really matter. Overland Park is a KC suburb. My point was that my
>uncle who lives in the KC metro area would probably know more about what's
>going on.
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joe broni <joebroni69@hotmail.com> wrote:

> From a perspective of who will pay for it - it does matter. From a
> perspective of who voted for it, it does matter. The proposed locale
> is just south of downtown kcmo.

As someone who has weathered two sports arena debacles in the 1990,
both in Cleveland (the Gateway deal that created Gund Arena and Jacobs
Field, and the political dickwaving that accompanied the creation of
Cleveland Browns Stadium), I can say that it MAY matter, but really, it
depends on what percentage of the cost is going to be paid for by the private
sector, and what percentage by taxes. Don't get me started about stadium
funding, though. Please.

JustThe.net Internet & New Media Services, http://JustThe.net/
Steven J. Sobol, Geek In Charge / 888.480.4NET (4638) / sjsobol@JustThe.net
PGP Key available from your friendly local key server (0xE3AE35ED)
Apple Valley, California Nothing scares me anymore. I have three kids.
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.sprintpcs (More info?)

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Steven J Sobol <sjsobol@justthe.net> wrote:
> As someone who has weathered two sports arena debacles in the 1990,
> both in Cleveland (the Gateway deal that created Gund Arena and Jacobs
> Field, and the political dickwaving that accompanied the creation of
> Cleveland Browns Stadium), I can say that it MAY matter, but really, it
> depends on what percentage of the cost is going to be paid for by the private
> sector, and what percentage by taxes. Don't get me started about stadium
> funding, though. Please.

You should come to Minnesota. The Twins and Vikings keep threatening to
leave and force a vote on a tax support stadium (free cash for the
billionaires) and every time, we taxpayers vote it down. They keep
trying ... and the teams keep threatening to leave.

- --

Thomas T. Veldhouse
Key Fingerprint: 2DB9 813F F510 82C2 E1AE 34D0 D69D 1EDC D5EC AED1

Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (FreeBSD)

Archived from groups: alt.cellular.sprintpcs (More info?)

Thomas T. Veldhouse <veldy71@yahoo.com> wrote:

> You should come to Minnesota. The Twins and Vikings keep threatening to
> leave and force a vote on a tax support stadium (free cash for the
> billionaires) and every time, we taxpayers vote it down. They keep
> trying ... and the teams keep threatening to leave.

I'd love to come to Minnesota. My wife wants to see the Vikings play in
person. :)

WRT the Twins, it wouldn't hurt you to get a real baseball team anyhow. :)

JustThe.net Internet & New Media Services, http://JustThe.net/
Steven J. Sobol, Geek In Charge / 888.480.4NET (4638) / sjsobol@JustThe.net
PGP Key available from your friendly local key server (0xE3AE35ED)
Apple Valley, California Nothing scares me anymore. I have three kids.