SSD - 100GB of unknown used space


Mar 27, 2015
I am running Windows7, 64bit. I have a Crucial 240GB that has over 100GB of unknown used space. I have done disk cleanup which gained 2 GB. I have looked at hidden system files which add up to 7 GB. I could not see the swap file but I suspect that it is not near the 100 unknown GB.
After doing a disc clean the unknown used space INCREASED from 104.5GB to 109.9GB, even though the number of files, items, and sub-directories dropped. Yesterday this unknown used space was 115.7GB. I built this machine myself so there is no software on it that I don't know about. How can I determine what is using this "unknown" space and how can I minimize it?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Yep, it was the restore points. I had two choices in disk cleanup: Delete them all or all but the last one. I deleted them all but the last one and I went from 61GB of free space to 166GB. Which left only 3GB of "Unknown" space.