[SOLVED] SSD all of a suddon only showing as 20mb and not showing in windows

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Jan 10, 2018
Hi so i recently bought a new toshiba 250gb ssd and i installed and initalised the ssd and it was working as intended until today when i booted up my pc and tried to boot a game from the ssd and the game crashed my pc so i had to manually boot down the pc. upon booting up the pc again the ssd no longer shows in the windows explorer and is shown in the bios as a drive with 0,0gb capacity and shows up in the disk management like this: https://imgur.com/a/zbPCF4h

No i have have 3 drives in my pc: 1. samsun evo 840 ssd ( has windows on it), 2 TB HDD and the 250 gb toshiba ssd. i only use the toshiba ssd for extra game storage and it is not the boot drive (https://www.scan.co.uk/products/240gb-toshiba-a100-25-internal-ssd-7mm-3-bit-nand-sata-iii-6gb-s-read-550-mb-s-write-480-mb-s-87k-io). The ssd has been working fine its only today that it has been playing up.


Why would i need to create a bootable USB flash drive so that i can secure erase the drive? so do i make a usb with windows on it, boot up the pc with it and then format the drive in the disk management menu?

I also suggest you UNHOOK the other drives while doing this.

I would suspect however that the SSD simply failed. New hardware is statistically more likely to fail quickly due to a manufacturing defect, and an SSD that lasts a few weeks is much, much less likely to fail in the short term.
i managed to make a bootable SSD drive but when i booted the software woudnt recognise the SSD. Is it likely that the ssd is just faulty? i just find it wierd how it worked fine for two weeks then just randomly stopped working when i booted down my pc. is there any other software i could try because the software on the toshiba website doesnt want to work.

yes it shows 20mb in the bios. are you certain this is this case with every ssd showing 20mb? i have taken the ssd out and i am going to return it.
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