SSD as first boot option


May 23, 2017
How do i get my computer to boot from the SSD BEFORE it trys HDD and BD ? SSD is not listed as an boot option in the BIOS. Windows 10. Asrock B250M HDV.
The computer still sees the SSD as a HDD. You must change the order of which HDD the computer first boots to.

The Computer has EFI boot so you just hit the F key that it says to get into the boot menu and change it. You can also change this in the bios just like in older bios's that lack EFI.
Question from amitrano : "Boot priortys Win 10"

Yup. Go into your bios and set the boot order.

SSD is not listed in boot menu as an option to change to.


Thanks ! I hit F11 to go to the menu to select boot options. I was using F2 to go to BIOS before. It listed my SSD in this menu. I will reboot and see what happens.