SSD boot problem


Jul 29, 2017
I have cloned my SSD drive (Samsung evo 960), using the data migration from samasung. However it will not boot and laod up my pc when i try to boot from SSD instead of Harddrive

Can you please help?

If this were me, I would buy or borrow a USB SATA dock.
Use that for the HDD.

Power up with the dock OFF.
Once it is up running with the SSD, then turn on the dock and wipe the HDD.

At the end of the process, did you remove the original drive, and allow the system to try to start from the new drive?
Have you checked the boot order priority?

Specific steps for a successful clone operation:
Verify the actual used space on the current drive is significantly below the size of the new SSD
Download and install Macrium Reflect (or Samsung Data Migration, if a Samsung SSD)
Power off
Disconnect ALL drives except the current C and the new SSD
Power up
Run the Macrium Reflect (or Samsung Data Migration)
Select ALL the partitions on the existing C drive
Click the 'Clone' button
Wait until it is done
When it finishes, power off
Disconnect ALL drives except for the new SSD
This is to allow the system to try to boot from ONLY the SSD
Swap the SATA cables around so that the new drive is connected to the same SATA port as the old drive
Power up, and verify the BIOS boot order
If good, continue the power up

It should boot from the new drive, just like the old drive.
Maybe reboot a time or two, just to make sure.

If it works, and it should, all is good.

Later, reconnect the old drive and wipe as necessary.
Delete the original boot partitions, here:


I didnt disconnect the old drives, so how do I start again? (wipe the SSD clone)

How do I wipe just the SSD?

With the SSD removed, the system boots up properly from the HDD, correct?

If so, then just redo the clone operation. That should wipe the drive in the process.


All done I now get to the stage where it boots on the SSD alone but when I shut down and place the HDD back in with the SSD, I get the select a reboot device message?

there is no sata cable btw it is in the motherboard like a PCie


I have done this but then I do not have access to my HDD when my PC is on. I have noticed that even though the prioties on the bios indicates the SSD is going to power on first when I go to save the changes it states that the "Windows boot manager is going to power the HDD" ? am i getting something wrong in the bios maybe?

Yeah everything is clonned to the SSD because my pc runs fine when its just the SSD in. The problem occurs when I try to run them both (in order to get to the stage where I can delete wipe my hardrive in windows)

What exactly does it say when you try to wipe the entire HDD?

You'll almost certainly have to do this from the commandline, with diskpart.
The clean command

the withing windows, it comes up with a black screen and a message saying reboot and select a proper device press any key

If this were me, I would buy or borrow a USB SATA dock.
Use that for the HDD.

Power up with the dock OFF.
Once it is up running with the SSD, then turn on the dock and wipe the HDD.