SSD detected but cannot install windows 7 on it


Jul 28, 2016
I have recently bought an ssd and tired to install windows on it but I got an error message saying windows was unable to create a partition

Thanks for your time =)
Good luck, @dawid!

However, I'd still have a final recommendation regarding the boot/black screen issue. You should probably try resetting BIOS back to its default settings and check if that helps you boot the system properly afterwards. Keep in mind that the procedure gets the settings back to factory defaults, so you would need to re-configure any manual changes you have made in the BIOS interface.

Welcome to Tom's Hardware, @Dawid!

Go into BIOS and check if you have properly set the SATA mode for the SSD to AHCI.
Did you format the SSD beforehand? I'd suggest you delete all the partitions through the Windows installer and create a new one where you can simply install Windows 7. Can you also share more details about your system? Another thing you could try is selecting the Repair Computer options in the Windows 7 installation media and use the Command prompt's DISKPART to format the SSD.

Keep me posted if you encounter further issues! :)


Jul 28, 2016
Thanks for replying to my post, I tried installing windows 10 on the ssd and it worked fine I am still confused as to why it wouldn't work with windows 7 anyway I have encountered a different problem when I install drivers for my gtx 760 my screen goes black when I try to restart my pc I can't even log in before my screen goes black but it works fine in safe mode. I cant change my specs on my profile for some reason but I think Ill make a new thread for my current issue since its not associated with storage. thanks for the help

Good luck, @dawid!

However, I'd still have a final recommendation regarding the boot/black screen issue. You should probably try resetting BIOS back to its default settings and check if that helps you boot the system properly afterwards. Keep in mind that the procedure gets the settings back to factory defaults, so you would need to re-configure any manual changes you have made in the BIOS interface.
