Ssd+hdd has slower boot times


Jun 20, 2014
■ ■ I have an asus z97 ws mobo.

Recently just got this motherboard 2 days ago, and installed windows onto the ssd without the hdd attached.

Ssd is set in AHCI, and without the hdd the windows splash screen is insanely fast, however when i connect my formatted hdd, the splash screen does the full windows animation as supposed to. Just the ssd being connected (does a little bit of the windows animation but doesnt complete it and boots up windows)

Bios are correct. Boot priority order is correct. 1 being my samsung 850 pro 512gb, and 2nd priority, I disabled it(which is suposed to be the toshiba hdd). Ive enabled the 2nd priority boot before and it didnt make a difference. Ive read on here that someone solved this same issue when they disabled it as windows seems to be trying to boot from both ssd and hdd, however it did not make a difference.

Fast boot is also on, sata control support is enabled. I honestly do not know what's wrong.

I've had this same setup ,both ssd and hdd on my old gigabyte z97 dh3 mobo and I did not have any issues.

I've disabled one of the ethernet ports on the asus ws z97 mobo, did not install any usb 3.0 drivers since I don't use them and installed intel rapid storage tech since I hear that helps. I've also disabled it as well and no help still the same slower boot window splash. Disabled most start up programs, desktop is practically empty except for the recycling bin. Both ssd and hdd are connected to the proper sata ports. Ssd--> sata6g_1


I've noticed that when I put the hdd onto sata6g_2 it's even slower .

And like what I said this wasn't an issue with my old gigabyte z97 dh3 mobo. My hdd seems to be working fine.

I can't find a specific download for that model or for Toshiba.
However, you can use Seagate's SeaTools to test your hard drive.
I haven't seen intel rapid store help anything, but rumors persist. Based on your symptoms I'd suspect your HD has some issues.
Do you have another HD you can use (or borrow) to test with? Does your BIOS support SMART?
Have you observed what drive ID's the HD's get during boot? Is it perhaps just grabbing the HDD until it times out? Your splash screen comment did not make it clear if the splash screen was BIOS or OS.
If your HD is marginal, SMART can take a while. However if it is the windows splash screen it hangs on this is not the cause since it is already past that. But a dying disk could still be causing the hang. Have you tried enabling SMART to see what it says about your drive?
You said that you formatted the HDD. If you didn't wipe out all of the partitions on that HDD then I would try that also.
If you have another sata cable, I would also test that too.

It is really hard to read your post because you lumped everything into a long single paragraph.

Sorry, fixed the paragraph structure. I'm currently on my phone as I am doing another windows 7 clean install.

Well when I hook my up my hdd, I delete the volume via windows, assign it a drive letter, quick format it and that's when all the hiccups come in.

I was thinking about using dban on the hdd, and yes I've tried different sata cables. It didn't seem to solve the issue

No problems sgraff1..I understand about the cell phone. :) Thanks for fixing it though!

Disk Management showed the HDD as unused space,and then you created a new primary partition and formatted? Did you format it as NTFS; Fat32; or GPT?

Do you know the make and model number of the HDD? Some of the better-known brands have a disk-testing program that you can run on the hard drive.

So do you have another HDD that you could test with as another user suggested above?

Yeah I created a new primary partition and formatted it. I formatted it as NTFS.

The brand and model of my hdd is a toshiba dt01aca100 ata device, and no unfortunately I do not have an extra hdd to do tests on. It's just weird that this hdd was working perfectly fine. This ssd+hdd combo I'm using was working perfectly on my old mobo, and now its being a little punk.

The windows flag animation speed is NOT horrible, just not as fast as it used to be.

I was thinking about maybe upgrading the secondary hdd to a ssd, however I am not sure if the windows flag animation will be back to its Fast speed when no other drivers are connected to the sata ports.