
Mar 6, 2009
My friend and I just built new computers (my 3rd build, his 1st). We both bought the EXACT same parts, excepted I opted to go with an ssd to put windows and common programs on. This is the first time I've used a SSD, but I'm glad I got one. I can easily tell how much faster things are on my pc vs his. Not only start up times (which I don't care too much about), but opening those regular programs there's definitely a difference. It saves me more time and frustration.

Our specs

i5 2500k
gtx 560ti
gskill 8gb ram
asrock extreme 4 gen 3

I'm using the crucial m4 (64gb) ssd. I highly recommend a SSD for those builders who were on the fence/skeptical about getting one, like myself.


Apr 5, 2011
well, it all depends on how important loading times are to you. i am just fine without an SSD, other people want stuff to appear instantly so they go for the ssd. for me it is more worth it to just spend the money on a better gpu anyways.
I feel the same way fb39. I would rather have that setup minus the SSD then have to get a GTX550 and the SSD. If you have the $$$ thats great. But I don't suggest getting an SSD at the cost of CPU, GPU, etc.

For example I have an SSD on my wish list. But I need to get a bigger monitor, BR player/burner, surround speakers, etc probably first. If I should see a good deal on cyber monday I might bump it up the line...

silky salamandr

Sep 16, 2009

It is but often you have people that think theyre mods and try to regulate on you.

But yes I dont care what people say, an SSD is the ultimate upgrade to any rig. It can bring an old rig back to life. Everything is snappier because of the near zero seek times and it makes your rig feel like you spent the money on it. Whats that I7 good for if it has to sit there and wait on a platter to spin up,heads to seek and load data? Trust me, its the only upgrade to a machine that you can really feel and notice.

I will never, ever run an OS on a spindle drive as long as I live. I own a Corsair Force GT 120,Intel x25-m 80 and a Kingston 64. They are worth every penny to me.


Oct 7, 2011

I have the exact same build as you! Just put it together, still need a monitor thinking about going with a 27 over a 23


Oct 20, 2011
I too am thinking about upgrading my drive to a SSD. But first I want to SLi my GPU. Does having a SSD improve multiplayer game play?

Processor: i7 920 OC to 4 GHz (water cooled H70)
PS: 750 watts
RAM: 6 gig OCZ 13300 triple channel
MoBo: AS Rock Extreme 58x
GPU: (1) PNY GTX560 Ti OC
NZXT Tempest Evo Artic-Camo Mid-Tower Computer Case
Sound: integrated
Logitech G930 wireless headphones
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Elite Keyboard
First off, I love my SSDs. Have two desktops, both with dual SSDs (NOT raid0), a laptop with dual SSDs, and one loptop with only one - only has one bay. would I go back to a HDD of OS +Programs - you quessed it NO.

But to be straight a 64 -> 128 gig SSD only speeds up what is required to pull off of the HDD. This means that once you are in a game, there is no performance gain with the minor loading of a map and that is if the map is also on the SSD. Once I have loaded an excell spreedsheet (very fast), working in it is limited to my typing - shucks hate to admit but my typing speed is slower than an old MFM/RLL IDE HDD. Internet broosing is limited by internet speed and no boost for emails - have to think, and coordinate hand typing with brain - getting old so that is also slower than the HDD.

For gaming - it's more about the GPU, for video encoding more about Nr of cores/software/CPU as large 1 gig files are normally on the HDD.

So all about money, and where to put it for the best overall performance based on how you use the computer.

No I do not light my cigars with a $5 bill, I save them for another SSD if I needed one.


Mar 21, 2010
The powerfull of SSD is amazing, i had a OCZ Agility 3, and im stoned about how quick it is. Now with this ssd, my processor can be a processor, my ram can be a ram, and my gpu can be a gpu. They arent fight for a few hdd writter/read capables anymore.

And man, 30s after i press the button power the Win7 is load.


Jul 28, 2011
If you spend 2hrs a day on a computer and a SSD saves you about 5 minutes of time per day on basic tasks - booting, opening browser, loading game levels etc. That's 30hrs saved per year!