I have purchased a new Mobo (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128562). I have a brand new SSD (Samsung 840 series) plugged into SATA 0 and my old hard drive into SATA 1. In Bios when I select boot order I can only see the SSD(UEFI: USB USB Hard Druve) and my flash drive (FLASH Drive SM_USB20 110) with windows on it. When I click on "ATA Port Information: It shows all 6 SATA ports but only detects port 1 my old standard 500 gb hard drive.
I can boot windows off the flash drive, when I get the the area where you select the drive to install it on it does see the 500gb drive but not the SSD, I want to install windows on the SSD only. I followed the answer here: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-hardware/windows-7-installer-will-not-recognize-ssd/80a83aed-56dc-438c-a65e-a0ea815ce551
Windows does see the flash drive and normal HDD only.
Before you tell me to just install windows on the HDD, I will not. I have data there I need to recover. The method I am attempting is windows on SSD, the set of the HDD as the slave with all the data intack. I can't boot windows off of the old hard drive (had it on my old mobo) and I currently have no way to recover the data. THat is not the purpose of this post though, only how to install windows on the SSD.
Thank you for any and all help.
I can boot windows off the flash drive, when I get the the area where you select the drive to install it on it does see the 500gb drive but not the SSD, I want to install windows on the SSD only. I followed the answer here: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-hardware/windows-7-installer-will-not-recognize-ssd/80a83aed-56dc-438c-a65e-a0ea815ce551
Windows does see the flash drive and normal HDD only.
Before you tell me to just install windows on the HDD, I will not. I have data there I need to recover. The method I am attempting is windows on SSD, the set of the HDD as the slave with all the data intack. I can't boot windows off of the old hard drive (had it on my old mobo) and I currently have no way to recover the data. THat is not the purpose of this post though, only how to install windows on the SSD.
Thank you for any and all help.