SSD on PS4 now ok?


Aug 10, 2013
When the PS4 first came out in 2013 a lot of people said it's not advisable to install an SSD because it doesn't have trim support. But now, I'm reading a lot of articles and such about SSD upgrades with no mention of it being wrong to do so other than minimal gains. So is it really safe now to give a PS4 an SSD upgrade without having some problems on the long run?

I don't think there is. SSDs and Trim are designed for Windows which constantly writes to the drive, even when just surfing. The operating system of PlayStation is UNIX based (Linux for PS3, FreeBSD for PS4), and only necessary and/or user defined file writing happens (installing games, updates, patches, saving in-game data info, etc). You do not get cookies and other crapware loaded on your drive on the PS3/4 like...
Probably not the answer your are looking for, but I've upgraded both my PS3 and PS4 with Seagate hybrid HDDs (SSHD). From what I've read in both tech sites and from comments from people who have done it, SSD isn't worth the reduced load speeds on games for the loss of storage capacity for the same money compared to what you can get on an HDD. A hybrid SSHD offers the best compromise in space vs. performance vs. cost between a traditional HDD and an SSD.

Tom's ran some comparison tests of various drive upgrades:,3695-3.html . I have not read any reports from anyone who has had a long term SSD in their PS3 or PS4 and any problems with the OS not supporting TRIM and maintaining the SSD.

That's what I did with my PS4 when I first got it. Upgraded it with a 1TB SSHD from Seagate. Still works like a charm. But I was curious about upgrading to SSD to I did a few searches and found a lot of people have done it with no problem regarding support for TRIM. So I'm curious if there's really no problem with it.

I don't think there is. SSDs and Trim are designed for Windows which constantly writes to the drive, even when just surfing. The operating system of PlayStation is UNIX based (Linux for PS3, FreeBSD for PS4), and only necessary and/or user defined file writing happens (installing games, updates, patches, saving in-game data info, etc). You do not get cookies and other crapware loaded on your drive on the PS3/4 like you do on a Windows O/S PC.

Note how you never have to defrag a regular PlayStation hard drive over years of never slows down. Trim is the SSD equivalent of maintenance. I guess we'll find out after several years of PS4 ownership by people who have had SSDs in them.


I agree. And there's just no report of an SSD going bad after installing on a PS4 yet and it's been over 2 years since the PS4 came out. I guess I could give it a go (fingers crossed). It's just the newer games lately I noticed are taking more time to load (Bloodbourne, Witcher 3) and I fear it might continue to do so with the up and coming ones.
Ps4 and SSD work great. I put a 1tb ssd in my ps4 the day I got it in 2013 and works perfectly since... but to answer the question technically ps4 doesn't support trim, buuuuuut most ssd firmware have trim support built in for non windows operating systems, so as long as the ssd you get has a trim firmware its not a problem and since right around 2013 almost all ssd manufacturers either have trim firmware standard or have released firmware updates to past ssd for support. No problems and speedy increases. I have the seagate sshd in my ps3, ssd in ps4, and just ordered a newer ssd for the ps4 pro. Hope that helps.