If I had that experience, I'd probably be right there with you.
Fortunatly, I've been "blessed" on luck with samsung. main TV going on 4 years, my last three monitors have been samsung (a 24 in monitor/HDTV and the 27 In monitor HDTV, the last one is a 32 in LED HDTV that I'm using as a Monitor/HDTV).
But My experience with samsung Monitor/TV's has NO beariing on my choice for HDDs - I have NO loyalties - LOL. I've switched between maxtor (before bought by seagate), seagate, Untill the -11 fiaco, WD Blacks (WD blu and Green are - well I would never Buy), And prior to my failures with WD blacks (the 640 gig Models), I had switched to Samsung F3's ( I would probable go with WD Blacks vs Samsung F4's). So on HDDs,at least two WD Blacks sitting on the floor - NOTE, my WD black 1 TB SATA III is still going strong and bought when the first came out. Verses No falures on the 4 F3s I've bought.
As mentioned, it's not the replacement, it's the hassle of having to re-construct what was on the drive That I hate - I do backups, BUT not real religiously.