I am running out of storage on my WD 1Tb HDD and wanted to add an SSD. I am on a budget so I was thinking get a 120Gb SSD as a boot drive and could have a few files on along with an additional 1tb HDD. I am on a budget, planning to spend around 100 USD.
Is this a good plan or should I get a 250gb SSD instead?Which ones should I get? How do I use an SSD as a boot drive If I currently boot of my HDD? Thanks for any help in advance! P.S. I put together a PCPartPicker list of What I might get here it is: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/d3qyNN
Is this a good plan or should I get a 250gb SSD instead?Which ones should I get? How do I use an SSD as a boot drive If I currently boot of my HDD? Thanks for any help in advance! P.S. I put together a PCPartPicker list of What I might get here it is: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/d3qyNN