Stable OC of Ryzen 7 1700 with standard cooler


Feb 11, 2014

I am currently Building a new PC and this are my components:

I have never OCed before, and I am using the Standard CPU (Ryzen 7 1700)..
Can I overclock it stable with ist Standard cooler? If yes, how far can I go but stable ?
Any advice what should I Change and the Maximum I can go without instability or over heating the CPU ?

Many thanks!
I have a 1700 and B350-F board (ASUS ROG STRIX) and I can stably get it to 3.8 ghz at 1.35 vcore.
However the stock cooler does not like it very well and temps get to high for constant load situations like handbrake.

With the stock cooler I would just do 1.2-1.25 vcore and 3.65 ghz.

Thank you very much for the Reply.
To me it is just enough to have it OCed at 3.65, so I am not that Monster lol.
But maybe a year later I could buy a water cooler if I want to OC it higher.
Thanks again!