Star citizen buying Game Package?


Oct 30, 2013
Hello My question is if it is worth buying star citizen, i think i am going to buy it but what game package there are alot of them do i buy the least expensive one 30 Dollars or a more expensive one?

If anyone has bought a game Package for more than 30 Dollars please tell me if it was worth it or not :)

Please anyone?

Thanks / Elias

Well i went ahead and bought the $75 package with the Avenger ship just because it was barely more that buying a normal game and its a pretty sweet ship when i get in it in my hanger.

But its really up to you how much you want to spend on a game that wont be fully released until around the end of next year.
Well i went ahead and bought the $75 package with the Avenger ship just because it was barely more that buying a normal game and its a pretty sweet ship when i get in it in my hanger.

But its really up to you how much you want to spend on a game that wont be fully released until around the end of next year.

Thanks for the Answer but i think i will go ahead and buy a cheaper one even though it is tempting to get an expesive one.