Star topology network


Apr 9, 2017
I am just looking to see how much it would cost to set this up in a 2 office space business. I need a comparison in price. This is for a sxhool project and im trying to get the best information possible. It would be great to have a few figures to plug into my work. And i would glafly cite anyone who could help me with this. I a camparison with the bus topology because it is the cheapest.
I understand that but i am looking for how much it would cost to do this in a business with 2 offices. I do not know anything about compiters and this is my first IT class.

Yeah, we don't do homework FOR people. When you say "2 offices" do you mean two physical desks or two multi-person office spaces?

Thank you i have submitted my assignment. I was not looking for anyone to "DO" my assignment for me. I just wanted to do the best possible presentation i could.