Star Wars: Attack Squadrons Accepting Closed Beta Signups

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already did sign up, probably will be even worse than swtor, but hey there is always that chance that this will be a good star wars game... ok who am i kidding it wont
prolly another out of cockpit space game... get us back in a cockpit, bsg-style graphics, real damage that influences flight attitude, and the masses will come.
Its coming. :)
Sounds like a good idea, but if it's a micro transaction pay to win game no thanks take a page from Riot's book and make it so any paid purchases don't impact actual game play.

Exactly. This looks like a 3rd person perspective game. I hate 'em unless they are on a console, and even then they are more an entertainment factor than an immersive first person experience. The last "cockpit" Star Wars game I played was over 10 years ago, Rogue Squadron for the PC. The graphics were stunning back in those days. Gameplay was more arcade than sim, but a visual beauty.


Indeed, read about star citizen quite a while ago. I hope it's as good as all the video's show us :)
Too bad it's not in any "known" universe, star trek or star wars for example.
$ 59.99 For Digital down Loads is a Rip Off. People please I beg you don't pay it, a new Game Digital down load should cost no more than $ 44.00. We have to make them understand that over charging for digital down loads is unacceptable.
I have been participating in the Closed Beta and it is indeed browser based. It is very fun, you can get in, play a game or two, and get out. Most of the beta was only Team Dogfight though, which was the one game mode I was excited the least amount for.
I was not happy about it being browser based either, but it did not affect gameplay. In fact, you forget you are in a browser at all.
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