Star Wars Battlefront


Jan 27, 2015
Hey guys,
Having a problem with Star Wars Battlefront were the PC keeps crashing every now and then, and a red screen is displayed. I assume this is from overclocking either my GPU or CPU. The annoying thing is that every other game is stable and does not crash but for some reason Battlefront does. Why is this ?

CPU: fx 6300 @ 4.1 ghz (Corsair h55 cooling)
GPU: Overlocked r7 260x 2gb GPU
8BG ram @ 1600MHz
Mobo: gigabyte 970a ds3p
500w PSU
It could be the Overclocking, if it is i'd put my bet on the GPU over CPU. Even if it's stable in other games I've had some games not tolerate Overclocks before yet others do. To see if it is the GPU Overclock you'll need to use AMD WattMan in the Radeon settings to do the following (if you are using Afterburner or another program to Overclock please close it for now and apply your Overclock to WattMan instead. Found in the Radeon settings > Gaming > Global profile > AMD WattMan tab.

After you've put the GPU Overclock in WattMan (if you didn't have it there already). Go into the Radeon settings > Gaming > Star Wars Battlefront profile > Profile WattMan tab and set everything back to stock clocks, this will keep your Overclock on for...
It could be the Overclocking, if it is i'd put my bet on the GPU over CPU. Even if it's stable in other games I've had some games not tolerate Overclocks before yet others do. To see if it is the GPU Overclock you'll need to use AMD WattMan in the Radeon settings to do the following (if you are using Afterburner or another program to Overclock please close it for now and apply your Overclock to WattMan instead. Found in the Radeon settings > Gaming > Global profile > AMD WattMan tab.

After you've put the GPU Overclock in WattMan (if you didn't have it there already). Go into the Radeon settings > Gaming > Star Wars Battlefront profile > Profile WattMan tab and set everything back to stock clocks, this will keep your Overclock on for everything else but leave Battlefront without it for now. See if you still have the issue.

On a side note i'd make sure the game files are verified in Origin (Right click on SWB in Origin library and select "Repair"). Hope this helps :)