Start up recovery can't fix problem and can't find solution on internet


Nov 12, 2014
windows 7 64 bit
asus core i3

before i can't access windows, i do some clean up with "windows clean up" and finished. after that i hibernate my laptop. but, it became black screen [still on], i try hit "ctrl+alt+del" no response, i wait no change, i hit power button no response too... because of that i hold power button for hard shutdown....

after that i alway stuck at start up recovery menu.
but "start up repair has tried several times but still can't determine the cause of the problem"
what i already do:

start up repair report-->
problem signature:
problem event name :
problem signature 1: StartUpRepairOffline
problem signature 2: 6.1.7600.16385
problem signature 3: 6.1.7600.16385
problem signature 4: unknown
problem signature 5: 21199264
problem signature 6: AutoFailover
problem signature 7: CorruptRegistry
os version : 6.1.7601.
locale id : 1033

i already try chkds, and chkdsk /f on g:[my windows os partition] but no bad sector[0 kb in bad sector". and there is an error ,"failed to transfer logged message to the even lo with status 50" i want to copy detailed report but, because i can't transfer the text from my error laptop i just write this......

FixMbr and FixBoot success
ScanOS Successfully scanned windows installations. .
total identified windows installation:0
the operatin complete successfully

and system restore is not helped. because is nothing.

i don't know i must to do again.....
please lend yours strengh

ah, i can't go into safe mode, last good, and normal boot. always get to startup repair screen
Hey there, @hiragatakunaichi!

I'd advise you to use the Windows installation media disk/USB drive and try to clean install your Windows 7 version from scratch onto the drive. If the registry is corrupted, it has most probably messed up everything in the OS files as well, so you are better of with a clean re-install.
Unfortunately, this procedure will format the drive and you will lose any important data that you might have already stored there. My recommendation is to make sure you always have a duplicate of your files stored off-site the laptop (e.g. cloud storage, external HDD, etc.). This is how you will avoid such unpleasant data-loss headaches.

Hope this helps you. Best of luck! :)

hmm,thanks for the answer,.....
but, if there is a way for me to repair it without re-install windows please share that.....

still hard to me to reinstall and lost all software, configuration, my browser session, password, etc
yeah it's still hurts...
i don't possess device for back-up

re-install is very very very last resort

i using linux fedora live disk now for check my hardisk partition, and it's say status is OK
Hello again, @hiragatakunaichi!

Unfortunately, I don't think there's a way to fix the issue without making things worse, if you don't reinstall the OS version. If the Windows registry is corrupted, it could have messed up all the system files which is probably why Linux doesn't detect any physical or logical issues with the hard drive partition table or file system. 🙁

I know it hurts, but every system needs complete cleaning every once in a while. To avoid such situations in the future, make sure you always have a backup of your files as well as a system image back up that would allow you to save all these settings.

Good luck!
Just saw that you tried system restore already... tried to edit my previous post so you didn't see it :)
Chkdsk will usually show that error 50 only because it can't save the report so is nothing to worry about.
Are you booting off a Windows 7 DVD or a USB to get to the repair options?

hmmm i already reinstall, because i can't use another way [already write it on another post before....]
i give up. and reinstall....