Question Startup Issue


Jun 6, 2014
My Windows needs to be reset. It is working but not with all features running as they should be. That said, whenever I restart my computer I have to go into the Bios and toggle down to the Boot manager tab to complete the boot. The harddrive is in the top #1 position as it should be but Windows won't start until I click on the boot manager which is in the 3rd position. There have been no hardware changes or failures, other than Windows degradation mentioned. Do I need to do something before the Reset or will the Reset fix the problem ?
I have not set the Bios to default or made any changes to it.

As a novice I am in need of some assistance.

I apologize for not responding to your reply promptly as it turns out I did not provide enough detail to sort out the problem. I can't figure out how to move the Boot Manger up in the que. I am using Legacy Bios.


Windows 10 is corrupted on my Dell XPS 27 and will need to be reset. Updates fail every day so this is obviously needed. Several weeks ago upon waking up the PC from sleep mode the PC went into a repair loop. With help from YouTube I was able to get it out of the repair loop and regain use of Windows albeit somewhat hobbled. Scannow does not resolve all missing files. Before the repair loop incident I would occasionally experience a startup issue whereby the touchscreen would not work. Normally a reboot will fix that. For some time now the restart hangs. The workaround has been to boot into the BIOS and force the boot to complete. using Windows Boot Manager .

The BIOS is set to Legacy with the Harddrive in the 1st position as I would expect. My workaround solution has been to toggle down to Boot Manager which is in the 3rd position, hit enter and then Windows reboots to the login screen. The touchscreen function works as well.

I can't do this BIOS process indefinitely of course as auto reboots would fail. Next step, do I reset BIOS default values, convert to UEFI, reset Legacy boot. Will the issue go away with a Windows reset? Does this need to be fixed before a reset.



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