stay away form the Mcdonalds Milkshakes!!!!!!!!!

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I seem to recall reading about exactly that happening. (chicken head mcnugget). I think it was in the Sun.

forgive me if I can't be fcuked to chase up a linky though 😱 .

I severly dislike Mcdonald's and burger king. Not any high-horse 'I'm healthy' stance, just the food's crap. pure and simple. Makes me feel like crap.

I eat burgers from schwartz [sp?] Bros, and I have no idea if they're a national chain or what, but there's two of them in Bath (SW UK). They do all of the cooking and preparation in full view, so you can see they're not spitting in the burgers and stuff.

I more often eat Kebabs from 'The Kebab House' In Bath. Their Shish Kebabs are gorgeous, and their chilli sauce is simple awesome. Not that relish-with-curry powder crap, it's really nice and tangy (and the hot stuff is damn hot :evil: ) They're just a little takeaway, not a chain at all.

Good friend of mine got Campylobacter from a KFC. Something similar to e-coli AFAIK. Was really ill for a week or so. he never eats there anymore :lol: .

A64 3200+ Winchester @ 258x10=2580Mhz, ~1.52 Vcore
1Gb RAM, running at various strange speeds... :lol:
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Burger King, Dairy Queen and Wendy's are fine... Wendy's being my favorite. McDonald's is another story all together though... I don't know how they call their burgers 100% pure beef. The burgers I have at home made with fresh ground beef sure don't taste like the McDonald's burgers.

Yeah, the food isn't good for you. I think everyone realizes that. I only do fast food once every couple of weeks... and I try to stick to some of the healthier items on the menus.

<font color=red> If you design software that is fool-proof, only a fool will want to use it. </font color=red>
lol u guys are making me afraid to eat at a fast food resturatant lol and there this fast food resturatant in my town u get ruffly about 2 large kfc chips worth and a burger the size of your hand !!!!!! i mean it all for only AU$3.00
Iono, I've known a few fat Asians in my time :smile: And I have read some worldwide studies that the rest of the world is slowly catching up to the US in terms of fatties, <b> ESPECIALLY </b> in countries where fast food like MC Donalds is catching on quickly (like Asian countries) :smile:

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Reading this thread makes me never want to eat fast food again (not that I eat much of it anyway). If I do mosy on to McD's or Burger King then I too try to stick with the semi-healthy stuff so I can at least think I'm not decreasing my life expectancy with every bite - not that double quarter pounder heart-attack in a box type stuff.

I'm surprised no one's mentioned Subway yet. That's still fast food, right? Subway > *

...and for that matter, Taco Bell is probably a close second, but I'm sure they've got their fair share of horror stories too.

In just two days, tomorrow will be yesterday.
I don't eat a ton of fast food either, but I enjoy one of Hardee's Thick Burgers once in a while. They did a great turnaround when they started making those. Everyone once in a while it's good to thicken your blood and clog a few arteries! Even if it's not good for the body, it's good for the soul!

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Ah man bad for me or not I am crazy for fast food. Sure I limit myself to once a week for the most part, but I'd enjoy it every day. Like you, i can eat 3 bigmacs and not see the weight pack on. Wendy's MCd's, BK...yummy!!! We even have a White castle coming nearby now.

Anayway, i'd prefer a TBone or Filet, sure, but fast Food sure does taste good. Burger/Fries/and a Chocolate shake used to be what i always ordered at diners too. I could go for that right now.

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LOL that's funny. :smile: No I'm not fat, at least not anymore. I'm a kind of mini Jared (you know from subway) :smile:

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OMFG, I forgot Taco Bell. Ok, so I had this buddy who used to work there a number of years ago, and I guess at one point somewhere on the West Coast somebody got a bad bean burrito. Bad as in feces ridden. So my buddy hears about this and he's thinking, "Great, just what we need." He tells me orders like, "I'll have a bean burrito, hold the sh*t please" continued for a good 6 months after...

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<i> <font color=red> One new Firefox fan </font color=red> </i>
Well it's friday the march 4, and I'm happy to say that I'm pretty much completly recovered just the problem with the wierd burping tasting like egg junk. Going to enjoy my food.
Gotta love being able to enjoy a shake for so long after you drank it. It's the gift that keeps on giving! :evil:

:tongue: <font color=red>Have you read the FAQ? Searched for other posts on this topic?</font color=red>
Well it's friday the march 4, and I'm happy to say that I'm pretty much completly recovered just the problem with the wierd burping tasting like egg junk. Going to enjoy my food.
Glad to hear that you're feeling better. How about a nice McDonalds victory shake? 😉

<pre>Antec Sonata 2x120mm
P4C 2.6
Asus P4P800Dlx
2x512MB CorsairXMS3200C2
Leadtek A6600GT TDH
RAID1 2xHitachi 60GB
Altec Lansing 251
NEC FE990 19"CRT</pre><p>
OMFG, I forgot Taco Bell.
To add to the Taco Hell stories, I had a friend who worked there once ... until he was instructed to put the meat from partially eaten tacos back into the fresh stuff. He quit then, and he never ate there again.

As for KFC and McDonalds, I've got a cousin with an bad immune system that has gotten food poisoning from both of those places more times than he can count. But then he's so used to being sick that he usually gives in and eats there again anyway. :\ He's a demented soul. **LOL**

And we seem to not be counting pizza places. I've got a number of horror stories involving Dominos that mostly involve cockroaches. And I've been boycotting Papa Johns for a couple of years now because they've tried to scam me one time too many.

Personally, the only fast food chain I eat at lately is Culvers and Pizza Hut.

And I miss living near a Steak Out. I miss having a chicken breast and loaded baked potato with a hot roll and honey butter delivered right to my door. I never was much of a fan for their steak though. **LOL**

<pre>Antec Sonata 2x120mm
P4C 2.6
Asus P4P800Dlx
2x512MB CorsairXMS3200C2
Leadtek A6600GT TDH
RAID1 2xHitachi 60GB
Altec Lansing 251
NEC FE990 19"CRT</pre><p>
McDonald's is another story all together though... I don't know how they call their burgers 100% pure beef. The burgers I have at home made with fresh ground beef sure don't taste like the McDonald's burgers.
I've heard one explanation that wouldn't surprise me, but I don't put any actual belief in: That the <i>company</i> they buy their burger patties from is <i>named</i> 100% Beef.

Personally though I think the explanation is simply that they never said <i>which</i> part of the cow they got their meat from. Skin, hooves, hair, kidney, spleen, brains ... they're all 100% pure beef so long as they came from a cow. Grind it all up together and it looks the same. :O

I've been spoiled though. Ever since I found the holy grail of burgers (ground buffalo) I've hardly cooked myself a beef hamburger since. Mmmm... buffalo.

<pre>Antec Sonata 2x120mm
P4C 2.6
Asus P4P800Dlx
2x512MB CorsairXMS3200C2
Leadtek A6600GT TDH
RAID1 2xHitachi 60GB
Altec Lansing 251
NEC FE990 19"CRT</pre><p>
I agree... nothing like a good bison burger.

It's so difficult with franchises... each manager has their own way of running things. For example, all the Tim Horton's I've been to in Winnipeg were always clean.. and they had all the menu items available. Now drive up to a town called The Pas, and you'll be treated to a smelly bathroom, day-old doughnuts and maybe they'll have what you want when you want it. (Apple cider was their worst offense... they never seemed to have it when I wanted it).

I know the manager of our local KFC personally, so I trust the environment to be clean... and it is. It sucks how one store can give a franchise a bad name, though. All I can say is you have to complain to corporate... or nothing gets done. The people that manage these stores have to answer to someone somewhere.

<font color=red> If you design software that is fool-proof, only a fool will want to use it. </font color=red>

<A HREF="" target="_new"> Here is the court case bout the Chicken Fried Head Nugget </A>

<A HREF="" target="_new"> Another Court case... </A>

It is unclear whether the defects in question -– high levels of cholesterol, fat, salt and sugar -- were “discoverable”9 By contrast, to return to the example of the <b>Fried Chicken Head </b>(supra note 7), such defective product clearly should have been discovered upon inspection. upon “inspection.”9 Given McDonalds’ common knowledge arguments with regard to the attributes, however, it may be assumed so. In any case, however, those attributes are later found insufficient as a matter of law to establish products liability. In order to state a claim against the outlets and McDonalds of New York, the plaintiffs must allege that they were in possession of information that the McDonalds Corp. products that they sold were more dangerous than a reasonable consumer would expect. Plaintiffs have failed to make such allegations. This lawsuit is not the typical products liability case because, as referred to above, the issue is over-consumption of products created, manufactured and advertised at a national level. A McDonalds' Big Mac is the same at every outlet in the Bronx, New York; the same at every outlet in the State of New York; and the same at every outlet throughout the United States. Clearly what is at issue in this lawsuit is the national menu and national policy of McDonalds Corp., and the plaintiffs’ real beef is with McDonalds

<pre><font color=red>°¤o,¸¸¸,o¤°`°¤o \\// o¤°`°¤o,¸¸¸,o¤°
And the sign says "You got to have a membership card to get inside" Huh
So I got me a pen and paper And I made up my own little sign</pre><p></font color=red>
Yes, that was one example. That guy earlier made it sound like:
a) The employees did this delibratly
b) The employees can do this when ever they please.

When infact it was not McDonalds fault, but the company which supplies the chicken nuggets.

Stranded on Death Row.
W5 did a research study few years back purchasing different food from different fast food businesses and all of them came out with every germ in the book as tested by a reputable lab.

Basically fecal matter, Windex, floor cleaners, human disease such as the common cold viruses and many more things.

I am not Howard Hughes and I have an immune system so I eat where I please.

If I get that sick off something I knew I ate and can prove to my own self that product came from a certain place I would certainly let them know about it.

McDonalds did score higher then all the rest for clean of viral and communicable diseases but they also scored highest for cleaning products in the food such as floor cleaners and glass cleaners.

You now have 2 choices eat at your favourite dive and hope the guy washed his hands after he had a bathroom break, or Eat at a very clean fast food joint and risk being poisoned by cleaning materials. Both scored serious lab results in quantity of food contamination.

<font color=red>GOD</font color=red> <font color=orange>LOVES</font color=orange> <font color=red>CANADA</font color=red>
You gotta watch Supersize Me, awesome documentary on the fast food industry.

I dont call that an awsome documentary, but rather a one person point of view. I dont want to protect McDonald's, or any other fast food chain, but the problems is not really the food, but the way of live some peoples has.

This <A HREF="" target="_new"> article from the National post</A> show another side of the reality.

It is about a biology teacher that decide to show his student another story. For one month, he just ate at McDonalds, but, he did make some normal exercise and he did lost 17 pounds and his blood pressure was lower than before with this regime.

Another thing.. I dont understant people bashing at multinational. First, it is people that goes to McDonald's, and not McDonald's that take them to their restaurant to eat. Just like WalMart and other big compagny. They offer a service and peoples are free to use it or not. When I go to eat there, I dont feel guilty, I just had to go elswhere if I were not happy to have them near for fast lunch when time is thigh while working. I sometime goes to the small independant restaurant to. And remember that the peoples that work at WalMart or McDonalds are from your local community and you actually support them by supporting the place that hires them.

There is a need for all kind of service in our economy and that ok.

-Always put the blame on you first, then on the hardware !!!
well it's Friday night march 4 and I had my first real meal in about 3 days, and I went to shoneys. Wasn't that great of a meal. I think after reading all these forums fast food will be less of my diet. I can't even look at Mcdonalds now without getting a quezy stomache. Kind of a condition and response thing.
ouch - had a thing like that with Rum for a while. 😱

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If McDonald start giving every person a case of stomach flu, maybe McDonald is doing public service. Bying showing how bad they are, the public will soon realize how fast food is not good for them. The only fast thing you will get is being fat and being sick.

<font color=red> Live long, Live to the fullest and be Bless </font color=red> :wink:
<font color=blue> ____________</font color=blue>
Aspire X-Alien / Antec SX1040B
P4 2.8B OC to 3.3 / AXP 1.67 OC to 1.9
Abit IC7 / Abit KR7A
Hey NED, I never said that my buddy or anyone he knew put a chicken head in a kids meal, nor did I mean to imply that. I meant that I got a kick out of hearing his story is all. Sorry for the miscue :smile:

That Guy Earlier

<font color=green> Woohoo!! I am officially an <b> Enthusiast </b>!! </font color=green>
<i> <font color=red> One new Firefox fan </font color=red> </i><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by Wraithfire on 03/04/05 11:51 PM.</EM></FONT></P>
"just benchmark their meat pattie quality with the one you get at your local 'pa & 'ma restaurant... "

ROTFLMBBAO Benchmarking a hamburga pattie. For a hamburga today I'll gladdly pay you Tuesday...

Da Worfster

If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.
I worked at a Dairy Queen (not sure if you have those in the US) for 6 months, and I worked the grill flippin burgers out back for a while... man that was the DIRITIEST job I have ever had. Ive worked in the woods and sweated all day, but workign that grill in all that grease and disgusting food was by far the most disgusting thing I have ever worked at... cleaning out taht deep fryer, down underneath all the piping and where the filters were, everything was literally BLACK 1 - 2inches of grime and sludge... the floors even after cleaning them, still have a slick glaze from all the lard and fat and cooking grease. and the stench. rotten food in the garbage, raw burger paddies that just reeked... ugh sorry, but fast food is just absolutely gut wrenching

Work sucks.