Stay away from Cooler Master psu's. Really !

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I thought that everyone already knew that CM Silent / S.Pro series are the best among their units. All the GX & Extreme series had bad reviews and tests from long time ago.

Bought it as a recommendation from a shop, i wasn't on Tom's yet at that time.

I guessed if i don't ( didn't ) read reviews, lots of others also don't and might be helped/warned by this.

And just wanted to state my happiness with the peace and silence i experience now. Again ; the best upgrade i have ever done. This one only spins when it's needed and thats just now and then, being only on the net it doesn't do anything.

Knew it was going to give some sweater reactions though. 😀 Just push the button and there you go.
@ Geek ; Used cigarette smoke which it sucked in from the back. 😛

@ Geek & Delluser ; Never said all the fans were sucking out did i ? 2 small fans ( front bottom ) in, 1 big one out ( back middle ). This plus the cpu cooler sucking air in from the side from a hole in the side panel ( 20x20 cm )

Even when i'm wrong with the air stream ( and therefore a real retarded idiot ) how do you smart guys explain the very big temp difference from the gpu and probably cpu then ????

Anyway, love you guys, when someone comes on Tom's stating he has a Cooler Master psu everybody is rushing in to say they are crap and he should buy an other one ( learned the word Crapper Master here ), when i make a statement about it almost everybody rushes in to say they are great. WHAT EVER ! :kaola: :kaola: :kaola:

I know i am very happy with this one and will never buy a Crapper Master again regardless what ever you say, really don't care.

What exactly is the point of your thread? To bash on a company because you have a PSU that is obviously defective? I'm sorry bro, but these guys who have responded to you actually know what they are talking about. A normal PSU shouldn't be sucking in air, they explained that to you. If yours is, then it's defective, end of story. If you're bought a large amount of PSU from CM and they were all defective, then I would understand why you would want to come bitch here about it. But one PSU? Even the most reliable of electronics companies will have defective products now then. And I'm not saying CM is great when it comes to PSUs, but you come with this arrogant attitude here and get hurt just because people don't agree with you. I've owned a lot of PSUs and some of then have been CM which had no issues and worked fine. Go cry somewhere else.
I owned a 550W CoolerMaster PSU for about 16 hours last year. It was already somewhat loud and exhausting hot air with my computer idle. Under load, it was quite annoying and exhaust was rather hot even though my PC uses less than 200W under full-load, much worse than the ~5 years old 350W PSU it replaced.

Next morning, I brought it back to the computer store and swapped it out for a 650W EarthWatts. Cool and quiet even when my PC is under full load.
I find myself thinking that while there are some truly shocking boxes out there on the market masquerading as PSU's. (granted not as many now as was the case in days past)
Equally there are many decent PSU's out there that are getting a bad press because people just don't understand PSU's and so end up asking a PSU to do something that those of us who understand a thing or two wouldn't dream of doing.
Units that are not designed to run high end overclocked GPU's and overclocked CPU's and overvolted overclocked Ram. With 5 fans and 3 HDD's in raid.
I have used cooler master cases with included PSU's for many builds and I find that as long as you know that they are really only suitable for mid powered GPU's all will be and has been fine.

Mactronix :)

If the power supply is exhausting air into the system, then the power supply is faulty. By design all ATX power supplies pull air from the inside of the case and exhaust it to the back towards the power cord. If there is any kind of whining, the power supply is faulty.

You can RMA that power supply under warranty coverage here:

The unit has a 5 year warranty.

Really do appreciate this reply, was starting to wonder if the GX was designed to blow the air out or indeed it is a faulty one. Was going to make a new thread about that to be sure.

I read in a review that the GX specially under load tends to shut down because of heat issues so i could imagine they didn't follow the normal path, but decided it needs all the cold air it can get, so from the outside.

And although i do appreciate your reply i still think the GX750 ain't a good product, quote ;

The problem with Cooler Master GX 750 W was noise and ripple. During tests four and five noise level on +3.3 V and +5VSB outputs was higher than the maximum allowed (50 mV): 57.4 mV and 70 mV for +3.3 V during tests four and five, respectively, and 51.6 mV and 58.4 mV for +5VSB during tests four and five, respectively. Below you can see the screenshots from our oscilloscope during test five. The maximum allowed for +12 V is 120 mV. All these numbers are peak-to-peak figures.

Of course GX 750 W offers as advantages having four power cables for video cards and more SATA power connectors, but it is only safe to run this new Cooler Master unit up to 450 W.

And now, the fun part. I will lock this here Coolermaster in that there modified ATX case and pump all the heat output from the SunMoon in there to get the ambient temperature nice and hot. I expect that the intelligent fan controller will have its work cut out for it. Hey, fan controller, name the English king who died during the battle of Hastings. * EDIT ; this does suggest it should dispense the air out indeed, i'll give you that.*

"What's a battle?"

Folks, the fan controller has officially turned into Ralph Wiggum. I'm scared for this power supply.

The unit lasted until test five, and then two minutes and twenty five seconds later shut itself down. I was able to get it restarted once it cooled off, indicating that the overtemp protection was in play, but then it shut down again when I tried for test five again, thereby failing the hot tests due to the inability to make it all the way to the end. The highest ambient temperature seen was forty two degrees before shutdown with exhaust temps reaching the low sixties. It is abundantly clear to me that this unit's 750 watt rating is not intended to be reached anywhere near the forty degree mark, and to be honest I'm not sure I'd care to run it to 750 watts very often at room temperature either, if I'm going by the numbers from the cold tests.

In terms of the efficiency and voltage readings, there are no surprises here. Regulation is less stable and efficiency is down. Before the overtemp protection stepped in, efficiency in test five was down to 76.6% and falling.


From ; /

I do agree though that i had to be more specific with the title and should have stated to stay away from the GX series, would have been more fair maybe. Already thought that after a couple of minutes but i can't edit my text unfortunately. Was so happy with the new one and so pissed off with the old one i just wanted to express that and maybe was to fast with condemning all of the Cooler Master psu's. Still, i think, and according to some other replies more people do, a company which makes stuff like that shouldn't be praised for making one or two good ones.

Not a bad word about other Cooler Master stuff, i've got the sickelflow 120 case fan in the back and it's beautiful and very quit.

@Mack ; you really think a oc'd 560ti, a non oc'd i7 870 2.9 ghz ( can't oc it, meh ), 8G ram, 1HD, 1DVD, 3 casefans, some leds and 4 ccfl's are too much for a 750W unit promising 60A on the 12V, to hold up ? Tell that to MM, he runs sli 560Ti with a 620W ( or 650 can't recall that so fast ) Sorry, but i really can't understand that. A good 500 should do that with ease.

Anyway, long story short ; i could try to rma the psu and then sell it second hand but i wouldn't want to sell this bad product to someone else actually.
Thanks for the link anyway.
Can you be more downgrading by the way, thought you wasn't one of those people, seems i was wrong.

"Equally there are many decent PSU's out there that are getting a bad press because people just don't understand PSU's and so end up asking a PSU to do something that those of us who understand a thing or two wouldn't dream of doing."

I do not know as much as all you guys do, already stated that, but i do know 1 or 2 things about gpu's and psu's. ( not 3 and 4 and 5, but still enough )
There is never anything wrong with expecting a PSU to be able to output what is on its label. Period. The better test sites don't exceed the label, or they do it as an "aftertest" just to see what the PSU can do, or to make sure its protections are working. I think JG still does crossload tests, but is quick to point out the results really don't matter, as a modern PC doesn't crossload; and they don't ding the score [any more] for poor results.

Modern PCs still "cross-load", just not to the extent he does it in his cross-load-specific tests. JG still dings scores if cross-load is out of bounds during normal load tests.

One output dropping/rising out of bounds as load on another rail changes is still a cross-load regulation issue even though he gives it another name ("out of spec") in normal tests and a fail on those tests (which are effectively cross-load regulation tests under more typical load distribution across rails) costs points.
Hey jordy what's with the hate :non:

Where did I mention any PSU specs in what I said. Maybe its my fault for not being specific enough. I was thinking about the 460 Watt extreme which was later upgraded to the 500 in the cooler master cases when I posted what I did.
What I posted was not specifically aimed at anyone and wasn't meant to be insulting its just stating facts.

There are many people out there who do not understand many parts of their PC, as such they run into issues that others who have the experience and taken the time to properly investigate some of these issues do not.

That's kind of the point of these forums and these people are the reason why I come here. I was one of them once and people here and other places helped me to get to the point where its me handing out the advice and helping people.

I think maybe you need to slow down and read peoples post properly, stop reading things into what's being posted and weigh up what's actually being posted.

For the record I'm pretty insulted, given that you should really know better.

Mactronix 😉
Thats not hate, thats disappointment. Specially because i thought i did know you better, From some i knew before i made the thread they were going to react against my statement, even wouldn't believe the reverse fan issue and i 'm okay with that, thats only funny, yours came a bit like a slap in the face.

Sorry, but with the way it was written, how else can i take your post than being addressed to me. I make the statement Cm is crap, you come in and and say a lot of psu's get a bad rep because people don't know what they're doing and talking about, in other words my opinion that CM is crap is based on noobish misuse and i 'm just dumb and you and others who know what they say do know better ? ( that old-boys-club issue again )

I still can't see any other explanation in what and how you stated that, but maybe are too worked up because of idiots like that DigitalWarEikel, i dunno. Maybe it's a language issue and i misinterpreted your reply. ( Dutch is often more straight forward than some other languages and things like how something is meant sometimes maybe sound different to me than how it was actually meant )

If i did misunderstand the situation like you say ( and there is no reason to believe you don't mean that ) ; my sincere apologies.

Regret ever making the thread anyway ; it was funny at start, got a lot of different and often amusing reactions and i really can't say enough how happy i am with the new psu ( and silence ) but i have a bit of a hangover now.

Before i insult more people i think i 'd better just gonna game and enjoy my quit and very cool system for now.( still can't believe i got 20C off my gpu temp, 27 idle ; even i am warmer on a very cold winter day )
Maybe possible to get that 560 at 1000mhz now, who knows.

Anyway ; thats what a wise man would do, so probably i stay at Tom's till far past midnight again :pfff: Nah.
The review in question was made 2 years ago. We have definitely made revisions since then to improve the product. If you have an older revision, it will most likely be replaced with the newest revision of the product.
Until ALL CM products with liar-labels and/or missing protection circuits are no longer sold ANYWHERE (not just foisted off on the Third World), I will not buy any products from CM, no matter how good. I'd also like to see a senior-level executive (or a few) in the slammer (or morgue) for what can only be described as willful consumer fraud.