Steam Gets Skype Codec, Could Record Video

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fausto- I wondered if they would do this once they released the screenshot capability but shooed it aside as they wouldn;t do it for fear of getting in trouble with FRAPS but this is awesome. If I was FRAPS I would be crapping my pants right now.
i hope its one of those recorders that's constantly on, and you can save the most recent 10 mins of gameplay if you so choose to...cause you never know when something amazing is about to happen
I hope the recorder isn't much slower than fraps, or I hope it's even better then fraps (speed-wise) at the cost of quality, or even being able to tweak the settings!
oh man remember like two weeks ago when Valve announced they were making their own commercials for Portal 2 instead of hiring an outside agency? And everyone was like oh nooooez they will totally suck? I thought that video was pretty effing good. Well done, Valve.

Isnt that how all game recorders work? Since it doesnt compress and record at the same time. If it did it would hog all your system resources... playing a game, capturing video, while compressing at the same time seems impossible to me.
FRAPS really won't be going anywhere, its the only way to get near lossless recordings for video editing. Honestly if size is that big of an issue you probably shouldn't be attempting video editing without getting more storage or work at a lower resolution. It also doesn't take very long to encode what you've recorded to save space.

Anything thats smaller than what FRAPS is outputting at the same resolution/framerate will probably have heavy compression thats going to mangle your performance even more.
Valve & Steam seem to be doing as I expected, little updates along with large updates to mask the ones that people normally won't notice right away. I'm not saying these little updates are bad, but Valve likes to multitask in other things then games most of the time. I have to say though, I'm quite excited. I was happy enough when the Steam browser didn't crash constantly (although there are still problems with it) because I used it so much.
People complain about not having a nice enough pc to render some games at their highest quality.

So what will recording a game while trying to play be like?.....LAG.
If steam comes to consoles does that mean Ill be able to port my PC title to a console and visa versa? If so that would make it easier for console players to upgrade to PC eventually =D

There's one good alternative to FRAPS, Dxtory. Not many know about this software though, since it's a Japanese software.
It allows different codecs to be used (in my opinion its default codec is better though, which has 4 quality settings available, True Quality, High Quality, Medium Quality, Low Quality), it allows recording to be done in any framerate, allows any resolution to be recorded (it can record at 100%, 75%, 50% or even a custom resolution), ...

I haven't tried FRAPS for a long time, so I don't know how Dxtory compares with FRAPS now. When I tried FRAPS the last time (I think it was version 3.03), FRAPS affected the framerate of the game while recording, but with Dxtory, recording doesn't affect/barely affects the framerate of the game, since there's an option for the recording FPS and the game FPS to not be synched.
Dxtory creates bigger files than FRAPS while recording though, so it's not a good software for those worried about FRAPS creating big files, since these are even bigger. :>

There is one really big bottleneck though, hard drive speed. For example, to record at my screen resolution (1440x900) I have to use the medium quality codec setting and record at 30fps.
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