Steam Machines Will Not Be Major Profit Generators

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Alienware stuff is good, but honestly overpriced. I thought that they made a killing on hardware and warranties, not necessarily software. But Alienware will find a way to make a killing, like they do with everything... On another note I like Steam, I run it on windows. I am still not 100% convinced to run it as my OS though. Anyone like it? Do you see better game performance, can it run office and the like?
Game performance is similar, or perhaps a bit worse on Steam OS, based on the benchmarks I've seen so far. But your mileage will vary from one game to another.

I don't care much for Steam OS. If I want to play in my living room, I'd rather buy a console.
Game performance is similar, or perhaps a bit worse on Steam OS, based on the benchmarks I've seen so far. But your mileage will vary from one game to another.

I don't care much for Steam OS. If I want to play in my living room, I'd rather buy a console.
If I want to play in my living room, I'd rather buy a console.

Considering issues that game devs are having with the current generation of consoles (PS4, Xbox One) to run games at higher than 30fps at 1080p, I think now is an excellent time for Valve to push Steam streaming.
Considering Valve receives a 30% cut of digital sales via Steam, these machines look more like loss leaders to bring in people unfamiliar with the Steam platform.

Me, I'll bide my time for the day when Steam operates like Desura. Useful as a downloading client, but able to be shut off without stopping you from playing your games.
Yeah, no shit they won't be major profit generators. Steam Machines, in my honest opinion, are a complete and utter failure. The concept, before they were released, as I understood it at least, was great. Release a nice, simple, PC type system that that the average person can understand. So that PC gaming can expand to a more broad audience and etc. But the instant I saw videos and articles comparing them, I lost all hope. (for reference:

They are completely pointless. With the dozen or so different models by all the different computer tech companies, with different CPU's, different GPU's, different RAM types and amounts, vastly different price points, and etc and etc. It's no different, no less confusing than going out and buying a standard desktop computer. Hence they appeal to no one.

The standard, stereotypical parent for example, is just to get confused and give up, say "fuck this shit" and get an Xbox or something. The tech geek (like most people on this site for example), is going to prefer building their own desktop gaming machines. There is almost no audience for these systems whatsoever. Only the hardest of the hardcore Steam enthusiasts will want one, because it's Steam, so they have to have one. Even then they'll probably just use for a day and go back to their desktops and forget it even existed.

Christ, what a disappointment. What a fucking pointless failure.
I don't understand what why people are so disappointed. Did everyone expect a $1000 worth of parts for $400? Does nobody understand that consoles are sold below cost and then profits come from game licensing? Does nobody understand that these are supposed to be just botique pc's made more fitting for the living room? Does nobody understand that its not meant to be direct competition with consoles, but rather a console for those that want a console-like machine but arent satisfied with the major consoles? It's hard to understand anyones disappointment. If valve had said something like "you will never need another piece of hardware again" or in any way implying that it was supposed to replace desktops AND consoles maybe everyone's disdain would make sense, but its just a hybrid for those who want a hybrid. I will agree alot of these steam boxes are just humongous pc's for valve fanboys, and I don't see the point in that, but neither do i see the point in spending more than 1000 dollars on a pc anyway. However, I've had my eye on these 500 dollar models and they are damn close to what you would pay to build it yourself; factor in the fact that its in a sleek, slim case and pre-built, and I'd say you at least get your moneys worth. Also without licensing fees on games, you get games consistently cheaper than with on consoles and you don't have to pay for online play. Also, a controller is included so you save on that. These machines, I feel, hit the perfect middle ground.
"Did everyone expect a $1000 worth of parts for $400?"

"Does nobody understand that consoles are sold below cost and then profits come from game licensing?"
Okay??? And??? What???

"Does nobody understand that these are supposed to be just botique pc's made more fitting for the living room?"
Like I said, tech enthusiasts would very highly prefer to build a machine like that themselves. Instead of an overpriced pre-built system. Because buying parts yourself and building the system yourself is a vast majority of the fun. Buying a pre-built "Steam Machine" is boring as hell for anyone who cares about tech, and anyone who doesn't care about tech is going to get confused because all the random specs and price points, and give up.

"Does nobody understand that its not meant to be direct competition with consoles, but rather a console for those that want a console-like machine but arent satisfied with the major consoles?"
Again, we can build a machine like that ourselves.

If Steam Machines were just 1, or possibly 2 or 3 different models, with **very** distinct differences in performance, and price points. Then, maybe they would have some kind of purpose. That would make it easier for people who who don't care about tech, or don't understand specs and such, to get into PC gaming.

"These machines, I feel, hit the perfect middle ground."
Bullshit, the only new ground these things break, is now you can get a pre-built desktop with Steam logo on it. Which, some of them don't even have that. Fucking goody.
The standard, stereotypical parent for example, is just to get confused and give up, say "fuck this shit" and get an Xbox or something. The tech geek (like most people on this site for example), is going to prefer building their own desktop gaming machines. There is almost no audience for these systems whatsoever. Only the hardest of the hardcore Steam enthusiasts will want one, because it's Steam, so they have to have one. Even then they'll probably just use for a day and go back to their desktops and forget it even existed.

Christ, what a disappointment. What a fucking pointless failure.

You are missing the main point here. The target market is Gen X and Gen Y. We are the parents, and we are more tech savvy than baby boomers who purchased consoles for us. Toss in Netflicks and a few other apps, and Steam OS will be as good as Android over time. It will take some patches to repair some major bugs and keep the system more restricted than Ubuntu in time.

A modern console is no more/no less complicated than a Steam machine. In Big Picture mode, Steam OS is not much different. Smart parents are ALREADY buying their kids computers because it's an excellent career path. Learning some simple Linux commands by using SteamOS daily will get you far in a tech career.

I mean, people already buy Alienware and Cyberpower PC desktops, but they can build those themselves. The market for the inbetween is there, Steam machines are for that crowd. You're pretending that the only people that buy pc's are relatively ignorant moms and techies who build their own. Enough people buy these botique pc's, otherwise there wouldn't be so many companies selling them, and I wouldn't see ads for the companies all over sites such as this one. I'm just confused about the fact that if you think building a pc is the best way to go, what did you expect steam machines to do that would change your opinion?

I'm not even talking about the OS. SteamOS is free, can be installed on whatever computer you want. I have high hopes for it, if they follow through with the promises they made I'm sure it will be great.

If the Steam Machine was just a single machine, had a specific configuration of components, that cost a certain amount of money, and played games modestly well, that would be a great thing. It would be a clear choice for all those less tech savy, just buy it, and you're off and playing PC games. None of the confusion and hassle of endlessly comparing specs, and model numbers, and prices, and etc. (confusing and hassle for them that is)

Basically a lot like this machine that put together, but different, and sold by Valve:

But the way it is now, it's absolutely no different than going out and buying a pre-built desktop from Best Buy or something. But some of them have Steam logos. Oh and they come pre-installed with SteamOS I guess, which is free anyway. There is no point to these machines.

I agree, steam machines are too widely varied. I can go buy an xboxone or a PS4 and guaranteed it will play 90% of the games that come out in the next 5 years (give or take). I plug it in and go most of the time, sometimes I might have to have to update. Plus I can buy a computer with windows and just run steam or steam OS on it no problem. Steam OS is cool, but steam machine doesn't make a whole lot of sense...

That being said I am a PC gamer.


So you just wanted valve to come out with a straight up console? One of the biggest perks of pc gaming is having a choice of what machine you play on... You complain that its like going and buying a prebuilt desktop, but what you want is exactly a console? How is that any better? Not everyone is ridiculously stupid like you are claiming. They won't be standing around pulling their hair out because "there's just too many choices!" The buying process will go something like : "This one is around the price I want and looks cool. I will now buy it." Every adult in the world has to choose what to buy all the time, its not that difficult.
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