Steam Rakes In Almost $1 Billion in 2010

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The B&M stores only carry the big titles, and thats it. Not only does steam carry them as well, but they also carry many older and indie titles. Add in the sales that steam has, and there is little reason to even consider going to the stores. (I got L4D2 on new years eve for 66% off, or $6.80.)

Edit: I forgot to mention perhaps the best part of steam. Put your steam folder on a different drive/partition then your OS, and you don't have to worry about losing your games when you reformat/upgrade windows. You can drag that steam folder around at will, and you don't have to stop and reinstall your games. I've moved my steam folder 3 times now, and you just double click steam.exe, it updates itself really quick, and you're back in business. I wish all my other games didn't need to be installed.
Steam is great when they're on sale...

some of the older titles go for under $10...

and many go for 25% to 75% off as well...

I picked so many games on last Christmas sale and some of the weekend deals past couple of months in 2011...

last game I got was Penny Arcade Episode 1 and 2 for $3!
I about 160 games on steam and its just super nice to not have deal with putting the disk in the computer to install or worse PLAY the game. If I feel like playing something and it isn't installed yet I just hit download and go play something else for 30 minutes or watch a movie. I don't have to go searching around through storage to locate the case and then keep swapping disks or find that they are scratched beyond use and have to buy a new copy. It just makes sense. Then when you throw on support for in game chat as well as easy server joining with your friends its unbeatable.
With those numbers, PC gaming will be around for a very long time. Got a little worried with all those articles and forum posts about it being dead or dying.
Gamestop employees turned me to steam, with their attitudes and general retardedness. I never looked back. PLUS, with games on steam, I feel that the publishers take better care of their titles to provide updates to their games. I feel confident that if it's on steam, it's going to work.
And the ability to download the game you own anytime you want and sometimes the price beat the crap out of stores. I'm looking at you Office Depot!!!
I;m not a fan of CoD at all, and I preferred the original L4D. Battlefield was a good investment however. Plenty of wasted hours there. I got it when it was $50, but if you paid close attention, not long ago it was on sale for $6.80 (or something close to that).

While Steam most certainly isn't perfect, it beats the hell out of losing old CDs and serial keys. Instead, you just have to worry about getting your account banned/stolen etc.

I do wish however they would state some critical aspects such as a game not supporting widescreen, or the game is locked at 1024x768, maybe even just a little hint when you buy an online game that the total server population is 0 etc.
I have to run cracks on several of my Steam games just to even use them properly.
I'm getting addicted to Steam. I've got to say that I rather enjoy the service (also the fact that it is not geographically limited).

The strong Canadian dollar (relative to the US dollar) makes buying games extremely inexpensive (compared to how much EB Games or Future shop/Best Buy charge).

That was exactly my thought. Every week an article is posted somewhere about how PC gaming is going the way of the dodo. Usually it's blamed on piracy. Almost a billion dollars!
192 games and counting on Steam. Damn them and their cool looking indie titles and awesome sales.

"Oh I'll play it some time, and it's only $5!!".... yea right.

Awesome service though.

Steam name Tava... with the Mario mushroom as my picture.

Gamestop employees turned me to steam, with their attitudes and general retardedness.

Very true. They are either jerks that could care less if you buy a game or not, thieves (swipe games from young kids that are trying to sell them back and sell them for themselves), or creepy as all get out.
I've been VERY IMPRESSED with Steam:
- Automatic updates
- Can BACKUP games or the ENTIRE FOLDER
- Great SALES
- Awesome Interface
- allows MODS
- can LOGON with a different PC

I used to prefer buying DISCS, but now I'll only buy a game on STEAM. They are the ONLY ones doing a truly great job. Others like Microsoft Games, D2D etc fail in many different ways.

STEAM is Digital Downloading done RIGHT!!!
"Steam for Linux and OSX"

While Steam is going to OSX and Linux you will NOT see very many games making this transition. The reason for this is DirectX which is Microsoft code. Additionally you have to tweak drivers as well but the real difficulty is DX9/10/11.

I don't see Linux ever taking off although we may see a couple games working on it.

If you are going to GAME on the PC it make most sense to do it through Windows and Linux/OSX users can easily dual boot.
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