Question Steam workshop downloads are extremely slow.

Oct 20, 2024
Hello all,

Im having problems with Steam downloads being very slow, like 12kbs or less. I dont know how to fix this, Ive tried restarting Steam, restarting my laptop, and changing download locations, etc. CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-14900HX , RAM: 32gb 5600hz, GPU: mobile RTX 4080. Laptop is connected wirelessly.
Thats all.

Thank you,
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Rarely but it happens Steam gets clogged up with downloads. Go to setting than downloads and clear the Cache.

You will have to keep in mind when you clear the Cache Steam will also require you to re sign into Steam.

Also how full is your SSD / hard drive your downloading to?
Ok I cleared the cache and now the workshop download for Rimworld disappeared. How do i get Steam to download workshop files? Also my laptop has 450gb of storage left.

Update your post to include laptop specs?

How is the laptop connected: wired or wireless?

Ensure that only one network adapter, either wired or wireless, is enabled. Not both at the same time.

= = = =

On your laptop take a look at what the laptop is doing via Task Manager and Resource Monitor.

Look at both tools but only one tool at a time. Watch for a few minutes and wait until all is stable.

Next launch Steam and check both tools again in the same manner.

Then start a download. Watch.

Watch everything. Especially Network.

Objective being to simply to discover some difference when slow speeds occur.