[citation][nom]Khimera2000[/nom]True sony did all the worng things in such a spectacular way, and this mess up is no where near that scale, however what makes me nervous though is the thought that Big companies still have a set up that allowes hackers to take all of our information, regardless if its incripted, in one trip. I thought this was the big lesson of the sony attack, dont put all your stuff in one place, dont make it so people can get everything in one go. spreading out sensitive information so no one can get all of it at once was the most important thing I got out of Sony's mess up, and I thought that it would be one of the first thing companies would fix.Happy that its incripted this time though, at least its a move in the right direction. Sad that what I thought was one of the biggest mistakes was not thouroughly delt with. O well no ones perfect... or did I just miss the news on companies fixing this?[/citation]
im not an it person, but to me the idea of storing data seperatly seems... impractical, and even if they did, the data would still be easy enough to obtain, unless they have a way to lock it down the second they think data is being taken.
[citation][nom]spikey in tn[/nom]What if some of the hacked accounts belong to some of the hackers, which they already know the credit card numbers, passwords, etc?Wouldn't that help them crack the rest of the accounts more easily?[/citation]
kind of... but you have to remember, they may know a few numbers and values, but they have to apply it in every area... like lets say you had a 100 mile streach of road, and you had to find one specific spot, but you only had about 1cm square to tell you where it is. yes, you can find it, but its like taking a million year task and making it 100000 years.