Question SteamSetup is a virus!

If I understand the link correctly only 2 of 71 AV apps flagged SteamSetup.exe as a trojan.

My thought is that it is a false positive based on some piece of code in the .exe that appears to be or acts as if it were a virus/malware.

Not faulting either Cyren or F-Prot per se. Could be just a matter of the criteria being used.

Where did you get SteamSetup.exe? All too easy to get a bogus/counterfeit/ download.

The following link may be helpful:
It's not even a false positive, steam forces you to give it personal info,shows you adds and installs third party software,it is technically a trojan.
It should be whitelisted though with all AV software.
I have found my cursor moved without me touching it quite a few times since I have installed Steam. Also, some weird online players's remarks.
It's definitely not a clean file.