Steve Jobs Takes Leave from Apple

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WHO really gives a a aaaaaa flyin.... ya know!? geesh guyz c'mon is this a I.T. review site or days of our lives news central? Most people I know really don't care about this billionaire's health issues,... it's trivial!! He takes time off until June and uhm it's paid along with ALL his medical bills. This is pathetic 🙁

Like it or not, Jobs' is intrinsically linked to the image that is Apple. If he were to die tomorrow, the stock would nosedive. Would they still be able to create the products that they do without him? Would their products still be seen as elite (read: retarded) if he's no longer there? Those are the kind of things shareholders worry about, and being that Apple is a tech company, it's all relevant here.

If you ask me, the cancer is finally getting to him, and this is a sly transition of power. It might lessen the shockwave if Jobs gives up power to the man who has already been running the company for 6 months.
I don't believe the products would change much, nor the marketing strategy.
Most non-techie people only know forrest gump for being associated with apple - and never heard of steve jobs in he first place.
So the general consumer will keep spending their money at apple regardles of who's in charge.
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