Steve Jobs to Skip Apple Shareholder Meeting

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shocker! people should go to and see steve jobs medical test results. i'm not sure why media has not dropped the hammer on this guy. he's a public figure, ceo, he should get out or come clean.
i don't think it has to do with the numbers. i've posted as much as i dare... i just think he should come clean or step aside. i thought did that, but he's still in the mix. personally i hope he gets better or at least well enough to live a normal happy life. we all in the computer industry owe him and apple for decades of innovations. i love all my toys.
[citation][nom]squatchman[/nom]SELL SELL SELL SELL IT ALL![/citation]

apple is kind of expensive, when compared to others. they ride a froth wave of hype, if it pops i say SELL SELL SELL SELL IT ALL!
of course apple is expensive....they rip people off every day!

they make 30% or more profit from everything they sell.

if they were competitive in price...EVERYONE would be buying them...including me.
I kinda hope he retires. He ultra anti gaming. Sees no need for crossfire or SLI in OS X (not even the benefits in professional apps). As a mac owner its kinda a win lose situation with his health
Mac makes the ultimate conformist PC/OS for that hardcore conformist that conforms more than a normal conformist, and doesn't mind paying a hefty premium to ensure that they conform, even at the cost of functionality and performance.

True counter-culture PC = AMD Dragon platform running Linux(of course the distro and case can be as unique as the owner).
[citation][nom]danimal_the_animal[/nom]oh he has health problems?Cool! maybe he will die and we will get someone more innovative.[/citation]

why so harsh.

i don't think it's good to wish someone ill.

jobs with all his faults has given us decades of great products.

they have employeed a lot of people, many have done very well for themselves.

i wish him well.

apple is up against a wall.

1. the palm pre
2. low sales lost to PC sales.

stockholders WANT ANSWERS!!!!!!!

what kind of person avoids a meeting like this.

steve is just trying to stay long enough to get some sort of retirement and this just makes him look SUPER DESPERATE!
ohh and also netbooks.

i wasnt a believer until i bought my 9 year old one....they are REALLY GREAT! especially if they make a dual core version with the ion chipset for 299.99!!!!!!

Who the F**** gives a rats AZZ if steve jobs attends ANY MEETINGS!!?? WTF OVER!!!! Nothing personal here MAC guyz/galz but I just don't see the point of usless articles like this. I have more interests in I.T. stuff than hearing about how some precious multi-millionare has health issues. And the I.T world (THG in this case)shudders and gathers forgetting the rest of us poor SOB that are just trying to fend for our weekly $10 an hour job. So excuse me when I say Kiss my Black @ss all u mutha F*s out there!! Isn't there a printer or some device that deserves review instead? No insult intended but is this an I.T site or national inquirer
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