Still not working


Jun 16, 2016

I am in need of some help. So yesterday i moved my PC parts from my old case to a new case. After about 2 hours of work I was done. After i booted it up after 2 seconds it went into endless loop of rebooting. I tried without and then putting it back, in which gave me more time (30 seconds before endless loop of rebootimg) and i was also getting 0 display.
It's s trange becuase i can see my system and all the fans/lights were working and I heard no error beeping sounds or anything like that .
I am not really sure what is causing the rebooting,maybe i plugged something in the wrong place or something like that,and i would appreciate some help with 0 display problems becuase before i moved it to a new case everything was working just fine .
This are my specs:

RX 470 Platinum Edition
3 Case fans
S340 Black Edition Case

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry for reposting this but I need some answers quickly

Whatever you do please use at least 4 standoffs. Your motherboard will thank you.

Disconnect all the cables/wires going to the motherboard and reconnect them. Sounds like something is connected to something that shouldn't be.
I would pay special attention to the RESET and POWER SWITCH connections.
Reseat your GPU card as well.


Pay attention to item #18.

18.Did you read the instructions in the manual on how to properly connect the front panel plugs? (Power switch, power led, reset switch, HD activity led) Polarity does not matter with the power and reset switches. If power or drive activity LED's do not come on, reverse the connections. For troubleshooting purposes, disconnect the reset switch. If it's shorted, the machine either will not POST at all, or it will endlessly reboot.

The System Panel Header connections look correct. The Reset Connectors would be the one directly under the Power Connector (right side) and the pin showing (gnd). There appears to be nothing connected (even tho I can't see under the Power Connector).
Power LED and HDD LED connections look correct.
Make sure nothing is shorting the Reset connectors.

That's why you don't hear any beeps.
Standoffs are at standard locations. Makes me wonder how hard you pushed on the motherboard to "make it fit".
Attaching the motherboard at only 2 places is NOT a sturdy enough platform when you are pushing connectors onto it.
You may have cracked a trace or two, shorting it out.
The standoffs are there for a reason, not a suggestion.



Jun 16, 2016
Oh well
this is not my first time only using 2 standoffs
And thanks for the speaker.
So far my friends and me had no problems?
So should I just get a new mobo or can I still make this work?

It may not be the first time you used only 2 standoffs but I'll bet you this is the last time, right?
You were courting disaster and the chickens have come home to roost.
You can try putting it back in the old case and see what happens.


Whatever you do please use at least 4 standoffs. Your motherboard will thank you.
