Stock Fan worth replacing?

Apr 18, 2018
Hello everyone,

I just build my first computer. The specs are:

Motherboard: MSI A68HM-E33 V2
CPU: AMD A8-7650K Black Edition
RAM:G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 16 GB
Graphics Card: MSI GTX 1050 TI 4G OC
Power Supply: EVGA 500W

I used AMD Overdrive to overclock. I have been noticing in OverDrive that my thermal margins are consistently in the 60's sometimes 70's range. Overclocking at 3.9 HMz is usually pretty stable. I have reapplied thermal paste to the CPU as well as turned the 2 fans in the case up but nothing seems to be lowering the thermal margins. I dont want to overheat so I was thinking maybe I need a new fan on the CPU to help. If that is the case, does anyone have good suggestions on a fan that would be best to help?

I was thinking about this fan:

Thanks for reading this and any help

What's the load for those thermal margins you report? (And remember, thermal margin gets lower the hotter the processor is.) If at idle then it's comparable to my old x4 760k. What matters most is the thermal margin on 100% load. Use AMD Overdrive's inbuilt stress test to find out what this is; as long as it's positive then the chip isn't overheating.
It seems like those are the numbers when it is idle , just browsing the web or just using AMD Overdrive to check. I use Steam to game and get average 60 fps while gaming so things seem like they are working correctly. I just dont want to burn out the cpu to fast.