Stock i7 4770K prime95 temperatures


Mar 5, 2015
I just wanted to ask you what are your temps with blend prime95 with stock clocks ?

Mine are high 40-low 50 with i7 boosting to 3.7ghz all cores. Is that good ?
I'm running Noctua D14, and those are the temps with blend. With small fft I get around 60 degrees.
That's not bad for temps as long as your OC is stable. Just know that you can go higher if you wanted. If your mobo and CPU allow it, you can go till temps are around 70'C during small FFTs just to stay in a safe green zone for OC'ing. So, you may be able to squeeze a couple hundred more Mhz out of your CPU with that cooler. Granted my CPU is devil's canyon and not haswell, but i have a 4790K OC'd to 4.7Ghz from 4.0Ghz stock. However, I do have a custom water loop cooling my build off.

What are you using to measure your Core temperatures?

Which version of Prime95 are you using?

What is you ambient temperature?

Intel's Thermal Specification for the i7 4770K is 72C, but there's a little more to it than that. It's not quote that simple or straight forward.

Intel desktop processors have thermal sensors for each Core, plus a sensor for the entire processor, so a Quad Core has five sensors. Heat originates within the Cores where Digital sensors measure Core temperatures. A single Analog sensor under the Cores measures overall CPU temperature.

Core temperature is 5C higher than CPU temperature due to sensor location. Intel's Thermal Specification is "Tcase", which is CPU temperature, not Core Temperature. Tcase for your i7 4770K is 72C -

Tcase + 5 makes the corresponding Core temperature 77C. <-- This is your Spec.

At 22C Standard Ambient, here's the typical operating range for Core temperature:

80C Hot (100% Load)
75C Warm
70C Warm (Heavy Load)
60C Norm
50C Norm (Medium Load)
40C Norm
30C Cool (Idle)

The relationship between Core temperature and CPU temperature is not in the Thermal Specifications; it's only found in a few engineering documents. In order to get a clear perspective of processor temperatures, it's important to understand the terminology and specifications, so please read this Tom’s Sticky:

Intel Temperature Guide -


CT :sol:
I've just OCed my CPU to 4.4 GHz and my temps with Prime95(NonAVX) are 85-90 with small fft and 70 with blend.
Settings: Core 4.4 GHz
RAM 1.6 GHz to CL7
Ring 3.5 GHz
Input V 1.9
Core V 1.235

Too hot.

Which version of Prime95?

Please be specific.

Prime95 64bits 26.6
Thank you for that information.

Are you running the latest BIOS.

Did you O/C using Turbo Boost, or did you manually configure BIOS?

You still haven't answered the following questions:

What are you using to measure your Core temperatures?

What is your ambient temperature?
I am running the latest version of my bios (1.A for Z87 MPower).
I've OCed using ratio.
I'm using the built-in display on my mobo.
Ambient temps of around 21-22 degrees C.

Daily usage I'm using Adaptive voltage which ramps up to around 1.25 V.
The display on your motherboard is from BIOS, which is CPU temperature, NOT Core temperature, and may be inaccurate by as much as 20C.

Please download and install Real Temp to measure your Core temperatures, as it was designed specifically for Intel processors: Real Temp -

Run Prime95 v26.6 Small FFT's for 10 minutes, then report your Core temperatures and ambient temperature during the test.


CT :sol:
His temps with blend going to 70'C is perfectly fine. Prime95, OCCT, and Aida64 all will put the CPU under unrealistic loads and will produce a lot more heat and eat more power than when the chip is ran at normal everyday activities or even playing CPU heavy games. I understand being a bit more cautious, but if you get 70'C with a blend test then you will be fine. Yes, your are pushing the top temps which means do not go any higher in clock speed or voltage, but you will be fine since the temps will never reach 70'C under any realistic function of the CPU.

The ambient was a bit higher than the first time. I've now changed my thermal paste with NT-H1, cleaning the cpu with rubbing alcohol first and I have mid 70s temps during Smal FFT. I think the next big step should be delidding 😀

Doing so is not recommended in any case. You have a much greater chance to damage the CPU if you have no experience in doing such things. The performance difference will not be substantial unless you are using LN2 cooling, which I'm assuming you're not.