Strange problems with my new pc!! plz help

Sohan Zaman

Feb 21, 2014
Hi, first of all my new pc is about 3-4 months old. From beginning i'm getting so much problems. Now i was out of all

problems for about a month. But now i'm in really crazy kind of problems.

PC configuration and os:

Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit

Intel DB75EN
Intel Core i5 3470 3.6 GHz
Twinmos 8GB thermal ram (4GB + 4GB)

1. I see some noisy horizontal lines on my screen. Basically blue, pink, red and green colors in random. Please don't

say that it's problem with my monitor. I've checked my monitor somewhere else it's fine. Also the color lines stays

with a particular window. E. g. if the lines appear in google chrome, them when i drag chrome's window to somewhere

else, the lines stays with it as if it's a background image. But the line dissappears or changes position when i try to

maximize or minimize the window.

2. I'm fetching the Blue Screen again and again. No matter what I do. It comes sometime if i try to install something/

copy something/ delete something/ open something or even if I keep my pc on without doing anything. Last night I kept

my pc on and on the morning It was in the blue screen.

3. Most installer aren't working. For some installers, every time I try to double click, the program has stopped

working dialog appears. when I tried the same installers on other pc, they are working fine. But some installers are

working sometimes and sometime they don't.

4. Google chrome is coming up with the "aw, snap" error page eventually in all opened tabs.

5. I see that most of my 7z and rar files on my hard drive is corrupted. Please don't say that my hard disk is damaged,

because the hard disk i'm running now is even new. It's just 2 months old.

6. All of the problems continue after a new fresh windows installation. I've installed windows 7 from different dvds

for about 5-6 times in 3 days. But couldn't get rid of this problem.

Please someone give me a solution from this problem. I'm unable to do any work on my pc.

If any more information requred, please ask me.

Kind regards

is your motherboard still under warranty and what are your PC specs?