So, I'm getting a new motherboard for my server: I got donated 2 CPUs from work as we are phasing out 2011-3 CPUs for the newer Scalable Xeons, and rather than going through the headache of selling them on the used market, they were just going to be tossed out or used for labs. So we have a bunch of e5-2683 v4's laying around, and I got two of them. I also got 128GB (16x 8GB) ecc DDR4 memory, as we are apparently mostly short on DDR3, not DDR4. (Most of the servers in the datacenter is running DDR3), so I got a bunch of it donated, as it was just used for labbing. Anyway, the CPUs: I'm running one in an ASUS X99-A motherboard, but that second one is bugging me a lot and I want to use it, but I'd need a dual-socket mobo. I found a good deal on a Supermicro X10DRH-i, and while looking at it's spec sheet I found out it has 10 SATA ports onboard, which is great! However, scowering the manual (, I found out it's actually 6 standard SATAIII ports, with "One (1) SATA 3.0 vertical connector with 4 connections supported by the SCU (S-SATA, JS39)" and as described elsewhere in the manual "SATA 3.0 vertical connector w/4-SATA connections supported by Intel SCU", as seen on this diagram: (red arrow)
So, my question is... what the hell is this connector? How would I connect 4 drives to this connector? As far as I can see, it's two straight SATA connectors, but it says it can do 4? Anyone have any ideas?

So, my question is... what the hell is this connector? How would I connect 4 drives to this connector? As far as I can see, it's two straight SATA connectors, but it says it can do 4? Anyone have any ideas?