stress test fine but insta crash on internet


May 2, 2014
I have been trying to overclock this silly thing since I got it. I can never seem to get it just right. I have read the article posted somewhere else on here that gives step by step instructions and I still can't quite figure it out.
The instructions, while good, are not for the mother board I have - asus pro gaming 970 Aura, so I don't really know what the author is talking about.
Here is my dilemma. I use a stress test at 4.6 k and everything is duckie. Temps are low, no smoke, no sparks, fans are humming. I get on line and in about three pages or 15 seconds, which ever comes first, it crashes.
I forget which stress program is referred to in the article, but it instantly crashes my everything, even with stock set up.

I want to know if under powering a circuit is as dangerous as over powering it? The guide says to set the voltage to what ever is shown in the bios and go from there. I had to turn my cpu power way down to get it to not over heat. I am assuming that the rest of the voltages are going to be the same way.

I have tried lowering each voltage until the pc crashes and then raising it a notch or two. That worked okish until I got to cpu vddc and then nothing worked right.

I have a vishera 8350 cpu
evo 212 + air cooler
asus pro gaming 970 Aura mobo
msi r270 oc gpu
1500w psu
Savage? 2x8 memory @ 2133
All in a big assed full size tower.
windows 8.1 os
everything updated.
I have wanted to overclock everything from the cpu to the gpu and the memory, but if I am having this hard of a time with the cpu, I am afraid of toasting something.

dont lower your voltages when overclocking the cpu only play with the cpu voltage. Sometimes rasing the NB and VDDA a tick or two can help but for a new overclock just stick with the cpu voltage

good basic guides for the fx cpu

but when overclocking the cpu you should only touch the cpu voltage....and mabe raise the NB and VDDA one tick up over factory...lowering them will not help you overclock at all.
dont lower your voltages when overclocking the cpu only play with the cpu voltage. Sometimes rasing the NB and VDDA a tick or two can help but for a new overclock just stick with the cpu voltage

good basic guides for the fx cpu

but when overclocking the cpu you should only touch the cpu voltage....and mabe raise the NB and VDDA one tick up over factory...lowering them will not help you overclock at all.


Jul 10, 2018
1500w psu
:ouch: I guess you won't have power issues.
Install MSI Afterburner.
Download and run UNIGINE Valley or Heaven on Ultra.

1. Max your power limit.

2. Increase your core clock 25+ at a time while looking at UNIGINE benchmark till artifacts (weird lines and colors) appear or your driver crashes. Then fine tune it compared to your previous clock.
Example Core clock: +25 > ... > +150 > artifact > +125 > ... (Keep it 25 or more below max)

3. Do the same for Memory. (50 or more below max)

4. Save your profile.

5. Don't check apply overclocking at startup. You can check it after few days of testing.
If it's crashes, just increase the voltage. Disable power saving too. Like Cool'n'Quiet.
RAM 2x8 memory @ 2133
These are already overclocked. DDR3 standard clock is 1333MHz.

Keep your temps below 80c/176F, if you go over it or stay near it., consider installing fans or apply fresh thermal paste.