Question Stuck in BIOS after a blue screen

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Oct 29, 2023
My pc is stuck in Bios after it blue screened while playing a game. Ive tried changing the motherboard battery, changing the cpu voltage(currently .985 V), tightening the ssd, as well as my booting options(UEFI and Legacy). Legacy gave me the option to use my ssd as a boot priority but once i restarted it said it "could not find any booting options press any button ..." UEFI has given me no options but it brings me back to the bios. Ive tried to fix this for hours. Please help
If the system can't find a bootable drive this is what happens. You may well have a failed hard drive, and if that's the case then you replace the hard drive, reinstall everything and restore your data from the most recent backup.
If the system can't find a bootable drive this is what happens. You may well have a failed hard drive, and if that's the case then you replace the hard drive, reinstall everything and restore your data from the most recent backup.
It allows me to boot to my ssd but once i save and restart it leaves this message "reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press any key" would this still call for a new hard drive?
That's completely different from your original post. Details matter here. We can't see your machine. First thing is to NEVER change the boot type. If the drive was formatted UEFI then the BIOS MUST be in UEFI mode. If you change modes the system will not boot at all. That change alone has likely now corrupted the boot block thus requiring a full system reinstall. Do not play with things you do not understand. Unless you know enough about it to be able to teach it to another person keep your hands off.
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