Stuck on Bootup


Oct 11, 2015
Baiscally I'm stuck on one of three things. I will either get hung on the blue HP screen, the RAID rom utility screen, or the computer will stop sending anything to the monitor at all and my monitor will just shut off as if the computer was still shut off.

I have removed both the video card (using on board video atm) and the HDD. I have also removed all four sticks of RAM (4 sticks of 2) and tried them each one by one and none of that worked (I don't think all four would have went out at once but please correct me if I'm wrong). On the blue screen if I try to enter the boot menu or the setup to try and edit anything it will just prompt the "entering setup" or whatever and not actually do anything but just stay hung on the blue "hp screen". If it gets to the RAID screen pressing 'CTRL + F' does nothing.

At this point the only things I could think of being the problem is the CPU or the motherboard itself and I Haven't a clue as to which. If any additional info is required just ask and I'll supply it ASAP.